Rolling Awesome of the Day

28. Oct 2015 | Jos Poortvliet | No License

tumbleweedIf you’re a Tumbleweed and KDE aficionado, this is a good day. You’ll see some major updates:

  • Plasma 5.4.2

  • Frameworks 5.15

  • Applications 15.08.2

  • Qt 5.5.1

Now, yes, that’s all minor versions but stability is a big deal!

Qt 5.5.0 brought some problems for Intel users and this new version, combined with the improvements in the updates from the KDE community, brings a much nicer and more reliable experience to users.

Some more detail about the fixes:

  • updated keyboard configuration, new and updated icons, Bluetooth updates and window management fixes in Plasma 5.4.2 (details)

  • A more reliable KWallet, more stable and faster Baloo search, and many other stability fixes in Frameworks 5.15 (details)

  • Updates to Ark (drag and drop should work reliably now), Kdenlive (many stability fixes), KDEPIM (fix scrolling issues, memory leaks and some crashes) and many more in KDE Applications 15.08.2 (details)

  • Almost 1000 fixes and improvements in Qt 5.5.1 (details)


Categories: Tumbleweed


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