openSUSE to have Summit in Dublin
16. Oct 2019 | Douglas DeMaio | No License

The openSUSE Community is going to Ireland March 27 and 28, 2020, for openSUSE Summit Dublin.
Registration for the summit has begun and the Call for Papers is open until Feb. 14.
The summit will begin at the end of SUSE’s premier annual global technical conference SUSECON.
Partners of openSUSE, open-source community projects and community members are encouraged to register for the summit and submit a talk.
The schedule for the openSUSE Summit Dublin will be posted on Feb. 17.
There is an openSUSE and open source track. There are three talks that can be submitted for the summit. One is a short talk with a 15-minute limit;a normal talk with a with a 30-minute limit and a long talk with a 45-minute limit.
Attendees of SUSECON are welcome to attend and submit talks. openSUSE Summit Dublin is a free community event that will take place on the last day of SUSECON and the Saturday that follows SUSECON.
Contact ddemaio (@) if you have any questions concerning the summit.