Planning for the openSUSE + LibreOffice Conference has begun and members of the open-source communities can now register for the conference. The Call for Papers is open and...
Last week, we introduced Tilix and started exploring its basics, let’s now familiarize ourselves with the advanced features of Tilix, namely: Management of bookmar...
Today we present Tilix, a tiling terminal emulator, and share some tips that make this terminal an excellent tool for all users especially system administrators. As a remin...
It’s been way too long since the last blog post, so we’ve got quite a lot to report on! Plasma 5.17 Beta The Beta version of Plasma 5.17 was released with many new featur...
Contributors of Uyuni Project have released a new version of Uyuni 4.0.2, which is an open-source infrastructure management solution tailored for software-defined infrast...
Hunt for bugs & have a lot of fun! The release manager for openSUSE Leap announced that Leap 15.1 entered its Beta phase this week and that means it’s time for a Bet...
A total of two snapshots have arrived in openSUSE Tumbleweed since last week’s article about the rolling release. The two snapshots delivered new versions of grep, VLC, KD...
The open-source community has a new project designed to help Linux/GNU distributions with the legal review process of licenses. The new project called Cavil is legal revie...
Plasma 5.14 Plasma 5.14 was released with many improvements. It was planned to have it in a released in a Tumbleweed snapshot on the same day, but openQA issues prevented...
There were a total of four openSUSE Tumbleweed snapshots this week that updated packages like VIM, Xen, Git and ImageMagick. The latest snapshot, 20180925, updated three p...
The four openSUSE Tumbleweed snapshots this week are trending quite stable as new major version packages have been updated this week. Among the packages updates this week ...
The past week brought a total of three openSUSE Tumbleweed snapshots and a bunch of new features and improvements for KDE users. Snapshot 20180618 updated just a few packa...
The release of openSUSE Leap 15 two weeks ago is following up with its Build to Scale theme by offering images for Raspberry Pis, Beagle Boards, Arndale board, CuBox-i comp...
PRAGUE, Czech Republic - Members of a new open source community project called Uyuni announced today at openSUSE Conference that a fork of the open-source systems managem...
EN, CA, CZ, DE, ES, JA, PL, PT-BR, ZH, ZH-TW Fresh community build on top of SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 brings huge variety of newest software, easy migration to SLE, transa...
This blog is part of a series of technical blogs leading up to the release of openSUSE Leap 15. All of the blogs provide a use case regarding openSUSE Leap and the packages...
The openSUSE Conference is right around the corner and attendees list keeps growing for oSC18, which will take place May 25 - 27 at the Faculty of Information Technologies ...
There have been a few openSUSE Tumbleweed snapshots released in the past two weeks that brought some new features and fixes to users. This blog will go over the past two s...
The release of openSUSE Leap 15 is scheduled to be release during the first day of this year’s openSUSE Conference in Prague, Czech Republic on May 25. The package submiss...
Major Krita Release Arrives in Tumbleweed openSUSE’s rolling distribution Tumbleweed produces high-quality snapshots and a new rating tool for the snapshots has labeled tw...
The were plenty of updated packages in openSUSE Tumbleweed this week and KDE updates were made available for Frameworks, Applications and Plasma. While the most recent sna...
The streak of six Tumbleweed snapshots continued this a week as openSUSE’s rolling release has provided a consistent release of six snapshots per week this year. There wer...
Let the fun begin! This week it was announced that the openSUSE Project is one of the 212 mentoring organization for this year’s Google Summer of Code, which is an annual i...
This Tuesday KDE released the latest Long Term Support (LTS) version of the Plasma desktop 5.12. A key point in this new release is that Wayland support was extensively wo...
The development version of openSUSE Leap 15 has reached its beta phase builds and snapshots are available for testers via //
The minor release of openSUSE Leap 42.2 will reach its End-of-Life (EOL) this week on Jan. 26. The EOL phase ends the updates to the operating system, and those who contin...
What you need to know about the new storage stack (storage-ng) Changes to YaST are coming and people using openSUSE Tumbleweed will be the first to experience these planne...
Hi folks, By now you probably heard about the new “Spectre” and “Meltdown” side channel attacks against current processors. openSUSE, same as almost all other current ope...
The past week brought new features to openSUSE Tumbleweed with a snapshot that included Linux Kernel 4.14. New features like HDMI Consumer Electronics Control support for R...
There has been an openSUSE Tumbleweed snapshot every day this week and KDE Frameworks along with AppArmor and Plasma began a week full of new software releases for openSUSE...
The Qt project has recently released the first beta version of Qt 5.10. This release brings a lot of new features, such as initial support for Vulkan, text to speech functi...
The week has been pretty exciting for desktop enthusiast running openSUSE Tumbleweed since two of this week’s snapshots delivered new versions of GNOME and KDE respectively...
Getting the masses to move to a Linux distribution can be challenging, but the openSUSE Project is doing its part to get people started with open-source software. Members ...
Merging SUSE Studio and Open Build Service Written by Andreas Jaeger SUSE Studio was launched in 2009 to make building images really easy. Nowadays, images are used every...
The last openSUSE Tumbleweed snapshot has arrived and brought the newest version of KDE Applications as well as a new PulseAudio version. KDE Applications 17.08.1 was rele...
(Languages: DE, ES, FR, IT, ZH, zh_TW) openSUSE Leap 42.3 Gives Smooth Desktop and Server Upgrade The openSUSE Project released openSUSE Leap 42.3 today bringing the comm...
This past week’s openSUSE Tumbleweed snapshots have produced several fixes and improvements, including some for KDE users and those using AMD hardware. Mesa 17.1.4 was amo...
This year’s openSUSE Conference has so far been a blast and the talks from Day 1 of the conference have already been uploaded to the openSUSETV YouTube channel. For the p...
Eighteen openSUSE Tumbleweed snapshots brought several new packages to users last month, which included both GNOME 3.24 and KDE Plasma 5.9.4. GNOME 3.24 received most of ...
Release also includes support for ARMv7 The latest release from openSUSE has new images available for the Raspberry Pi and joins SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for Raspber...
It’s official; the Warrior Tablet made by MJ Technology and powered by openSUSE is ready for the world; now it just needs funding through an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign...
**A Professional Distribution for Developers, System Administrators and Users ** (Languages: CZ, DE, EN, ES, FR, IT, JA, LT, TW) Members of the openSUSE Project ar...
This week has been a bit hectic with dramatic change affecting people around the world, but openSUSE Tumbleweed users who are use to change can find some clarity in the ch...
A new framework for desktop applications on Linux has been added to Tumbleweed and now users can enjoy the most up-to-date version of Flatpak. Flatpak 0.6.13 arrived in th...
The development cycle for openSUSE Leap 42.2 Release Candidates (RC) is coming to an end. RC2, which will be followed by the stable release of openSUSE Leap 42.2 on Nov. 1...
The openSUSE Project is pleased to announce the availability of the openSUSE Leap 42.2 Release Candidate 1 (RC1). Since mid-May, the project has been guiding the developme...
Official Release Scheduled for Nov. 16 Software testers and Linux enthusiasts can now get the Beta release of openSUSE Leap 42.2, which was released today. “Leap is for p...
Gravitational waves might be the cause of two new live image, spin off projects released today by members of the openSUSE community. The release of Argon, which is a live ...
openSUSE Leap 42.1 is now available on Amazon EC2, Google Compute Engine, and Microsoft Azure. Leap has been available on EC2 & GCE since shortly after it release; the ...
What a start in the new year: the server running died with two broken hard disks at 2016-01-10. As the hardware is located in the data center of our spo...
Tumbleweed Two releases snapshots in Tumbleweed brought a new Linux kernel and a web browser update for Mozilla. Firefox updated to version 42 in the 20151110 snapshot an...
An updated landing page for the openSUSE Project is live and it features 18 different languages to describe the embodiment of the project. New visitors can now easily unde...
The SUSE office in Nuremberg, Germany, had a special presentation given by Dominique Leuenberger, last week about the interconnecting points of the openSUSE project. Speci...
openSUSE’s rolling release Tumbleweed posted six snapshot updates this past week following the release of Leap’s first milestone. The only day a snapshot was not posted ...
Leap’s milestone is inching ever so close to being released. The milestone is very close to being released, but it won’t come out today. The timeline for the development o...
A job announcement for a Release Engineer for openSUSE was published today and it offers a unique challenge, which sounds pretty cool. The optional bonus challenges to be i...
Since our last update on about Tumbleweed, a lot has happened. The rolling release now uses GCC 5 for the compiler. There was a large chunk of bugfixes an...
Developing Leap 42.1 is happening quickly and it was announced yesterday that the milestone was being built.The first milestone will hopefully be released this week. Leap i...
Roadmap questions answered Deep thought and some additional core SUSE Linux Enterprise source code have given The openSUSE Project a path forward for future releases. The...
[caption id=”attachment_19234” align=”alignright” width=”300”] The latest and greatest desktop tech from the KDE community[/caption] At the time of writing this, the openQ...
It has been a while since we reported about YaST in this site. This post in Spanish from fellow openSUSE blogger Victorhck has inspired us to write about some exciting news...
Hi there, geekos! You’ve probably read about openSUSE being touted as a “king of KDE distros”, with reviewers and journalists emphasizing the projects commitment to a uniq...
As the first major Linux distribution to have Btrfs as the default file system, what can users and developers expect from openSUSE 13.2? How is the systems capabilities en...
To help promote 13.2, we have assembled some badges, backgrounds, counters and banners for you to put on your social media or blog pages. For your blog and social media ac...
Dear contributors, friends and fans: openSUSE 13.2 is out! After one year on continuous improvement in the tools and procedures and many hours of developing, packaging, tes...
openSUSE 13.2 comes with the latest and greatest that the GNOME desktop has to offer – GNOME 3.14. At the time of the release 13.2 offers GNOME 3.14.1, which improves upon ...
With less than three weeks from the release of our beloved green distro and the first release candidate already rocking, we can feel like we are almost there. This is exact...
openSUSE 13.2 RC1 is baked and ready to serve!. This previous Beta release was a blast with almost 10.000 downloads. The community responded to the call and we had lot of e...
[caption id=”attachment_14680” align=”alignright” width=”150”] Get openSUSE 13.2 Beta![/caption] Our brand new ‘Rolling Factory’ has already amassed over 6000 installation...
Since the announcement at the end of July of the new Factory development model, the machinery worked tirelessly releasing more than 15 Factory snapshots during the next mon...
openSUSE, despite the vastness of the www stating it’s primarily a KDE distro, prides itself in offering a one stop shop for your operating system needs, regardless of your...
Yo yo, geekos! Here we are, for the final chapter of our CLT hangout. Today, we’ll be talking about job control through which we’ll learn how to control processes running o...
Heya geekos. I’ve checked the ‘curriculum’, and we’re at part 7 of 8 as of today. Which means there will be one more - and sadly final - CLT next tuesday. So for today, let...
After GNOME 2.x passed the torch to GNOME 3, a lot of people started to wonder what is the perfect graphical user interface for them. Many users moved to Xfce, since it off...
Hey guys. Yes, it’s Wednesday, and yes, we’re a day late. Reason? This awesome announcement, that had to take the whole glory of Tuesday. Also, in the future, if there’s an...
We are proud to announce that we have just switched our beloved development distribution, openSUSE Factory, to be an independent distribution using the “rolling release” de...
Yes, you’ve guessed what time it is! It’s time to rrrrrrrrummmbleeeee! And this time, we’ll learn how to work with commands. So without further ado, let’s get to business. ...
Heya there geekos! New week, new adventure! Today, we’ll learn how to manipulate files using four fairly simple commands. So let’s begin! Before we start with the comma...
Heya Geekos! New week, new part in our CLT series! Today, mr Shotts takes us on a first part of a guided tour through our file system. We’ll learn how to visit, list files...
Heya geekos! Let’s refresh our memories. Last week, we skimmed through some basic commands, learned what a shell is actually, and made a steady introduction into our CLI T...
Here we are geekos, back in action! Sorry it’s been a while, but let me just assure you we’re back on track, raging to meet the deadlines and to, well, have some fun :) ...
Hi Geekos! Today we’re introducing a new series, called ‘Command Line Tuesdays’. Why command line Tuesdays? Because in this series, everyday computer enthusiasts like your...
Eppur si muove! Even though we sometimes feel there’s a sort of a standstill once first major bugs are fixed in a new release and it settles on our machine, that’s not the ...
Hello :-) I want to share my experience in managing a personal hosted web server with openSUSE. Two points, first. I’m not a computer professional, but an openSU...
Dear KDE Users, Maybe you have heard already about it from another openSUSE mailing list, a blog post or through our openSUSE community page on Google+, but the KDE reposi...
Welcome to the Bodega store! Bodega is a project making use of the Open Build Service. Aside from that, there are many other connections between the Bodega team and openS...
Less than two months from the awesome openSUSE Conference will kick off. The location of oSC14 is the beautiful and historic city of Dubrovnik, located on the Dalmatian co...
openSUSE Factory development is going steady and our venerable release manager has made a first milestone available. No development schedule has yet been determined, althou...
At the openSUSE Conference 2014 in Dubrovnik hundreds of Geekos are expected to meet, discuss and attend the talks and workshops. The openSUSE Conference Paper Committee is...
Dear contributors, friends and fans: The release is here! Eight months of planning, packaging, adding features, fixing issues, testing and fixing more issues has brought yo...
Dear Geekos! We’re sure you are all anxiously awaiting the release of openSUSE 13.1, coming in 24 hours. Yes, just around the corner! So we want to remind you that you ca...
Welcome to our fourth Sneak Peek for openSUSE 13.1! The release is getting very close and you’ve already learned about all the awesome new Cloud features, the new YaST and ...
In just a little over a week, openSUSE 13.1 will be released! As we’ve all put in serious work to make this happen, it is certainly a good cause for celebration. Time to or...
A few days ago we featured a GNOME Sneak Peek and today it is time for the Blue camp! Whereas GNOME is still going through radical changes, KDE has been in incremental mode...
The openSUSE 13.1 release is getting very close - just a little over two weeks, according to the Roadmap. Today, Release Candidate 2 is available on
[caption id=”attachment_17228” align=”alignright” width=”300”]Clean GNOME Shell[/caption] Welcome to our third Sneak Peek of what is coming in openSUSE 13.1! You’ve alread...
openSUSE made its first release candidate for 13.1 available less than two weeks ago. And with it, we issued a call for testing. If you’re interested in helping out but wo...
Congratulations to the OpenStack community for today’s release of OpenStack Havana! This is the eighth OpenStack release and the community delivered on-time, yet again. P...
[caption id=”attachment_17058” align=”alignright” width=”300”] YaST during installation[/caption] On July 31st the YaST team announced that the final Ruby conversion of Ya...
We’re not at the release, but the beta is out, according to the roadmap RC1 is coming Thursday and our artists have been hard at work preparing artwork. We’ve got badges,...
“Still … in this world only winter is certain.” ― George R.R. Martin “And thus, Factory is now Frozen.” ― Stephan “coolo” Kulow Starting today, you can scurry over to s...
It is already September! Haven’t you noticed? Bad weather is coming, it will be freezing soon! According to the roadmap, Full Feature Freeze will be upon openSUSE Factor...
The openSUSE Review Team is interested in adding 1 to 2 new members to the team. This person will review submissions to opnSUSE Factory that will improve the quality of ...
The openSUSE Evergreen has just announced that the upcoming openSUSE 13.1 will be the next Evergreen release. This means that the Evergreen team will continue to provide o...
openSUSE Milestone 4, and final Milestone before starting the Beta process, is out for everyone to test. The process has worked out normally and although this Milestone ca...
Milestone 2 was released just a month ago and it is now time to get the newest milestone release of openSUSE. Please remember that there is only one more milestone before o...
For those of you waiting for (or working on) openSUSE 13.1, we have good news: milestone 2 is now out for you to download. As to be exptected, the inclusion of newer softwa...
openSUSE is pleased to announce that the newest Milestone for the upcoming version of openSUSE 13.1. is available for testing. As early version, it is expected that this M...
It is almost weekend and you want to try another Linux distribution? We’ve got you covered! The Linux ecosystem is a varied one with hundreds of distributions, each havin...
Dear contributors, friends and fans: The latest release of the openSUSE distribution, version 12.3, is ready for you! After six months of hard work, we are happy to bring y...
What do Qt 5, Linux 3.8 and LibreOffice 4 have in common? They were not released in time to be included in our leading edge, but stable openSUSE 12.3 in time. But fear not...
[caption id=”attachment_15473” align=”alignright” width=”300”] postgres in openSUSE 12.3[/caption] The new openSUSE is just around the corner so let’s take a closer look a...
In less than two weeks, openSUSE 12.3 will be on your doorstep. Or rather, on the mirrors, ready for use. If you are curious to know what is coming, this first sneak previe...
The openSUSE Release Team has released RC2 to the mirrors a few hours ago. A large number of bugs has been fixed and a number of packages has been updated. Major changes in...
As winter refuses to relax its icy grasp on the northern hemisphere, the openSUSE project would like to announce the first release candidate of version 12.3 of its popular ...
In September, the openSUSE community released openSUSE 12.2 all around the world. So what have the responses been since that Wednesday a little over three months ago, and...
This article attempts to give a bit of an overview of what happened at oSC 12. And that is lots and lots, as you can see in the Google Plus event page for oSC12 and LinuxD...
According to plan, today openSUSE 12.3 Beta sees the light. The beta comes with mostly smallish changes as we’re in serious testing waters now - we hope you’re out there t...
A month’s work since Milestone 1 shows that the new Release Team are hitting their stride, as they have reviewed and checked in more than 470 updated packages, far more tha...
News fresh from the Factory: the openSUSE Release team has made the openSUSE 12.3 Milestone 1 available for testing and feedback. There has been lots of plumbing in the in...
As was promised last week, the openSUSE ARM team has released openSUSE 12.2 for the ARM architecture! Almost all of the usual openSUSE distribution (>5000 packages) bui...
Hot on the heels of the news that the Google Chromebook runs openSUSE (even made slashdot) and following the closing of the openSUSE Conference in Prague, Dirk Müller let ...
The openSUSE Conference 2012 takes place next week from October 20th to 23rd in Prague, Czech Republic. When you first step into the world of Free Software, it isn’t alwa...
Less than two weeks from now the openSUSE Conference will start. The location itself is almost enough reason to attend: the openSUSE Conference 2012 is in the beautiful, h...
Good news! openSUSE Milestone 0 of openSUSE 12.3 is out! While we’re still discussing the schedule and won’t be deciding anything before the openSUSE Conference in Prague ...
After 11 months of grueling work, openSUSE is pleased to announce the first Release Candidate for openSUSE 12.2 on the ARM architecture. After discussing ARM first at the ...
Dear users, developers, and Geekos around the world - openSUSE 12.2 is ready for you! Two months of extra stabilization work have resulted into a stellar release, chock-ful...
openSUSE 12.2 is the second openSUSE release to include GNOME 3. GNOME 3.4 continues the rapid pace of evolution and consolidation set by GNOME 3.2 on openSUSE 12.1. This a...
openSUSE comes with the 4.8 series of the KDE workspaces, applications and platform. This release, as you can read in the announcements is mostly focused on improving the u...
As we enter the final straight towards the release of openSUSE 12.2, the openSUSE Team is busy preparing the release publicity. And this is where you, the openSUSE communit...
Today, the openSUSE project makes available openSUSE 12.2 Release Candidate 2 for widespread testing, with a final release targeted for mid September. In the two weeks sin...
openSUSE 12.2 Release Candidate 1 is now available to download. Get it Download it from As usual, a list of the most annoying bugs is bei...
Stephan ‘Coolo’ Kulow has released Beta 2 so it is time to start organizing these Beta Pizza Parties! As you might know, openSUSE 12.2 is delayed while we search for ways ...
Many people have noticed that the milestones and the Beta for this openSUSE release have been delayed or even canceled like Milestone 4. Now the RC is planned to go out Th...
Last Thursday at the Meet Windows Azure party in San Francisco, attendees learned how developers can use Linux on Windows Azure. In case too much of our Old Toad has impai...
After a few delayed milestones, the fourth even got canceled - there has been quite a number of disruptive changes in our Factory development distribution, but we’re starti...
openSUSE 12.1 was one of the first major Linux distributions to include the new programming language Go. Recently, go 1.0 was released and shortly before milestone 3 openS...
Despite delays due to the move to a i686 desktop kernel for 32-bit systems, milestone 3 is finally available. This milestone brings progress on a number of features includi...
Those following openSUSE development closely probably know that the 2nd milestone on the way to openSUSE 12.2 was planned for the beginning of this week. And indeed you c...
A while ago, we wrote about the work on moving maintenance support into the Open Build Service. Since then announcement, some of the internal maintenance scripts have been ...
Teams from the openSUSE Buildservice and openSUSE Maintenance worked together since weeks now to integrate openSUSE distribution maintenance support into the Buildservice o...
With the release of Milestone 1, the development of openSUSE 12.2 has started! We’re pleased to announce that Milestone 1 contains many minor updates, like a new Firefox ve...
This article is contributed by Kamila SouÍkova Introduction As the btrfs wiki says: “Btrfs is a new copy on write filesystem for Linux aimed at implementing advanced feat...
As Benjaman Brunner announced yesterday, openSUSE 11.3 has reached end of life. As a quick refresher, openSUSE releases new versions every 8 months, and each version has...
This review is written by Terence Lam a student from Singapore sharing his experiences with openSUSE In this review, I will install openSUSE 12.1, try out GNOME and KDE an...
openSUSE 12.1 features systemd as a replacement for the System V init daemon. systemd provides a new and improved way of booting up your system and managing services. It co...
openSUSE 12.1 has been released a few weeks ago. A major new technology we introduce in this release is ownCloud, which we ship in a separate repository. ownCloud is a we...
openSUSE 12.1 was launched on Wednesday and it’s time to look back at the successful launch of a great distribution. We’ve seen a lot of positive feedback regarding openSU...
It is November 16, 2011 and our mirrors have synced. Time to present to you: openSUSE 12.1! This release represents more than eight months of work by our international com...
[caption id=”attachment_11851” align=”alignright” width=”300” caption=”Welcome to openSUSE 12.1!”][/caption] Yes, it is almost time. Tomorrow openSUSE 12.1 will be release...
Following the openSUSE 12.1 roadmap, RC2 has been released upon this innocent world. This is your final chance to test openSUSE 12.1 before we move to the final version! W...
One of the most important activities during software development is testing. In FOSS community, software often gets tested by the developers themselves, other developers ...
As was already blogged by Vincent Untz, a few weeks after our last milestone was released as beta 1, the first Release Candidate of openSUSE 12.1 is now floating over the ...
The much-awaited Beta release of openSUSE 12.1 is here! And just in time for your weekend Beta Pizza Party. So fire up that oven and warm up that download manager because...
The upcoming openSUSE 12.1 release is being developed in Factory. According to the release schedule the Toolchain and several other critical components are frozen, but th...
Last Friday Stephan Kulow, our openSUSE Release Manager, started a discussion on Factory mailing list about show-stoppers for the 12.1-Beta release scheduled for 2011-09-22...
Just a few days ago the third of six milestones on the road to openSUSE 12.1 has been made available for testing before it goes to final release November 11th, 2011. (Yes,...
About 3 weeks after the first milestone for openSUSE 12.1, today the second milestone has been made available. Following the Roadmap, this is the second of 6 milestone un...
The ‘cloud’ has been a buzzword for quite a while. While some are still rather cynical towards the concept, products like mobile phones with Android have shown the value ...
[caption id=”attachment_9068” align=”alignright” width=”300” caption=”Experimental openSUSE 12.1 artwork”][/caption] Milestone 1, the first step towards the upcoming openS...
Following the huge success for filling requests of openSUSE 11.3 media in February, we have produced openSUSE 11.4 DVDs to distribute at events, Linux user groups, universi...
The wait is finally over and the much anticipated release of GNOME 3 on openSUSE’s latest distro release, 11.4 is ready for download at a desktop near you. Frederic Crozat...
Everybody knows openSUSE offers a great desktop experience; but its also a perfect fit for servers! Go download the Installation DVD (or use one of the manufactured DVDs) ...
Copyright Evergreen needs you! To make a version for 11.2 also released and to guarantee the quality of evergreen, we´re searching developers, packagers and also marketi...
Dear GNOME 3, So, you’re born, and we here at openSUSE Project are very excited to welcome you into the world. We’ve been watching with anticipation and excitement as t...
Or in other words, “The more things change, the more they stay the same…” openSUSE does not ship major/minor releases, but our numbering/naming scheme - NN.X - has led to ...
If you are really in a timezone where it’s still before March 31st 23:59 then… We are pleased to announce the birth of the Canterbury distribution. Canterbury is a merge...
[caption id=”attachment_7964” align=”alignright” width=”300” caption=”The default XFCE desktop”] [/caption] Just a few months ago, the XFCE project announced XFCE 4.8, the...
[caption id=”attachment_7800” align=”alignright” width=”273” caption=”openSUSE on Distrowatch”][/caption] A bit over one week ago, we released openSUSE 11.4 introducing man...
Yesterday, openSUSE 11.4 saw the light of day. This release introduced some awesome new features and this was noticed by Linux users on social media and the press around th...
Dear openSUSE Community. Users. Contributors. Fans and friends. The time has come: openSUSE 11.4 has arrived!. After 8 months of hard work, you can learn what is new, downl...
openSUSE 11.4 is set to release on 10th March 2010. A highlight among many exciting features is the debut of LibreOffice, successor project of the popular cross-platform d...
The upcoming new release of openSUSE 11.4 will be shipped with the latest and greatest GNOME 2.32. GNOME 2.32 is the last release in the GNOME 2.x series and has a number o...
KDE fans must definitely watch out for openSUSE 11.4, which will be the first major Linux distribution to feature KDE’s Plasma Workspaces, Applications and Development Pla...
With red carpets rolling out in Hollywood, you’d expect some applause for the openSUSE 11.4 RC2 release, which has now gone live ahead of 11.4 proper. But with much of the ...
One of the easiest things to do to contribute to the free and open source movement and the openSUSE Project is to exercise your second free software freedom: The freedom to...
As you all know, we’re closing in on the Final Release of openSUSE 11.4… and so in this last window for bug-fixing we need your help! The testing team is looking for vol...
Apart from being a tasty Bavarian bread-snack, Bretzn is a code-name for a collection of technology aimed at solving a problem which has existed in software development for...
openSUSE project manager Stephan Kulow has announced that openSUSE 11.4 Milestone 6 (M6) is ready for testing. With M6, the pace of development is starting to slow down as...
Novell hosted the first Bretzn Sprint in the SUSE office in Nürnberg between 21th and the 23st of January. The objective of the sprint was to create an proof of concept ap...
[caption id=”attachment_6063” align=”alignright” width=”300” caption=”picture by Robert Lihm”][/caption] Next years FOSDEM takes place again in Brussels on Feb 5th and 6th...
The openSUSE project released the fifth of six milestones in the development of openSUSE 11.4 some days ago. Milestone 5 (M5) brings a wide range of updates, both major and...
With the openSUSE distribution, we have a set of openSUSE manuals and QuickStart guides. You can read them online via // They are installed by default on ...
On Monday, the openSUSE project released the fourth of six milestones in the development of openSUSE 11.4. Milestone 4 (M4) brings a wide range of updates, both major and ...
openFATE, the feature tracking tool used in openSUSE has been completely reworked and the new version is live now on A team has started driving the ...
The old openSUSE:11.3:Contrib signing key got deleted by an accident, so we have to generate the new one and sign all packages in this repo with it. It is safe to accept ke...
At the last openSUSE project meeting and after the discussion about zombie bugs on the opensuse-project mailing list, a small team of volunteers agreed to organize a Bug Da...
Delayed by a week due to a critical bug that would have prevented testing, the openSUSE project today announces openSUSE 11.4 Milestone 3 (M3), the third of six milestone r...
At the openSUSE conference Frank Karlitschek, KDE e.V. board member and well known for his projects like GetHotNewStuff,, announced a new...
We’re almost there, ladies and gents. Again there was quite some feedback on the strategy doc. We have worked to...
Today, Thursday October 7, the openSUSE project announces Milestone 2 of openSUSE 11.4. Milestone 2 (M2) is the second of six periodic development snapshots of openSUSE 11...
Without question, users who frequent the openSUSE forums are very appreciative of all the work being done by ALL the various development teams. The progressive nature of KD...
[caption id=”attachment_4093” align=”alignright” width=”240” caption=”Metalink multichannel download, so package candy melts your screen, not your internet connection.”][/c...
We had a successful openSUSE 11.3 launch yesterday. The announcement itself saw many friendly comments. Many people retweeted the announcement from @openSUSE. Besides the ...
[caption id=”attachment_3836” align=”alignleft” width=”300” caption=”openSUSE 11.3 is here!”][/caption] The openSUSE Project is pleased to announce the release of the late...
openSUSE 11.0 was released on 19th of June 2008 and was planned to be under security maintenance for two years. Upon multiple requests from the community, the SUSE Security...
Following up on Michael Loeffler’s previous RC1 announcement, openSUSE is now doing a final check of instrumentation before landing. The weather continues to be clear and ...
As openSUSE 11.3 is around the corner and will be released on July 15, it’s now the right time to prepare your Launch Paty in our city or region. Gnokii just posted on th...
Ladies and Gentlemen, Please fasten your seat belts, the touch down area is in sight we do have clear view and smooth weather conditions. So we expect a smooth landing f...
Milestone 7, a snapshot of the openSUSE Factory “work in progress” build, leading up to openSUSE 11.3 release in July, is now available for download. M7 is the last mi...
For our openSUSE distributions, we release regularly updates to fix security issues and general bugs. As desktop user, you get notified in GNOME and KDE via the updater ap...
Milestone 6 (of 7), a snapshot of the Factory “work in progress” build, leading up to openSUSE 11.3 release in July, is now available for download. M6 is the first relea...
Milestone 5 (of 7), a snapshot of the Factory “work in progress” build, leading up to openSUSE 11.3 release in July, is now available for download. M5 was marked by signif...
The fourth of seven scheduled milestone releases for 11.3 was completed and released on schedule. Milestone 4 focuses on switching to upstart as init daemon. Here’s ...
The third of seven scheduled milestone releases for 11.3 was completed and released on schedule. Milestone 3 focuses on using GCC 4.5 as the default compiler, leaving a g...
Late last month we released the first milestone of openSUSE 11.3, now we follow up with the second. Milestone 2 is part of the milestones where we track new releases in the...
KDE SC 4.3.5 is about to become available for openSUSE 11.2 as an online update (from 4.3.1). This release fixes many bugs, so we decided to push it as an online update in...
Its here! The first openSUSE 11.3 Milestone. This is the first step toward the next openSUSE release. The most important goal of this first milestone is to test the build i...
Retail versions of openSUSE 11.2 are once again available. For the first time, the retail box is being handled by a partner, open-slx. open-slx is founded and lead by Stef...
With openSUSE 11.2 right around the corner, let’s take a look at what’s new and interesting in the GNOME desktop for this release. Highlights include a preview of GNOME 3.0...
We’re very, very close to the final release of openSUSE 11.2! To help promote the 11.2 release, we have banners for openSUSE 11.2 available on the openSUSE wiki, courtesy ...
openSUSE 11.2 is scheduled to be officially released in about a week (give or take a few hours…) and, as usual, we’re gearing up to press a bunch of media for shows and the...
This is it folks! We’re almost there for openSUSE 11.2. Time to grab the final 11.2 release candidate and shake out any remaining bugs to get the lizard ready for release. ...
The KDE 4 experience in openSUSE has been enhanced daily, and while the desktop environment itself has matured significantly since the last release, there has been a consta...
We’re well on the way to openSUSE 11.2! Today we’re happy to announce the first release candidate for openSUSE 11.2. This release includes quite a few bugfixes and several ...
The openSUSE Project is happy to announce that the last openSUSE 11.2 Milestone 8 (M8) is available for download. Test now and give feedback via our bugzilla since this is...
The openSUSE Project is happy to announce that the openSUSE 11.2 Milestone 7 (M7) is available for download. This release includes GNOME 2.28 beta 2, KDE 4.3.1, RPM 4.7.1, ...
The openSUSE Project is happy to announce that the openSUSE 11.2 Milestone 6 (M6) is available for download. This release includes new packages on the GNOME and KDE live CD...
Michael Löffler has announced to the opensuse-announce mailing list: With regards to the discontinuation mail for openSUSE 10.3 sent out by Marcus the other day I’d like...
Looking for some summer fun? Try the latest milestone release for openSUSE 11.2! Milestone 4 is hot off the openSUSE Build Service and ready for your testing pleasure.This ...
Good news, everybody! iFolder client packages are now available for openSUSE 11.1 from the openSUSE update repositories. This means you can install iFolder client on openSU...
The openSUSE Project is pleased to announce the release of openSUSE 11.2 Milestone 3. Images are ready for download and testing. This release includes the 2.6.30 Linux kern...
openSUSE development is now even more open than before. Factory development is changing, and we’re making it easier for contributors to take responsibility for packages and...
The openSUSE Project is happy to announce the second milestone release for openSUSE 11.2 is ready for download. This release includes Firefox 3.5 beta 4, KDE 4.3 beta 1, GN...
Lizard lovers, get ready to start your engines! The first milestone release for openSUSE 11.2 is now ready for your testing pleasure. Please note: This is a milestone rele...
The roadmap for 11.2 is now set, and openSUSE is getting a fixed release cycle! Codenamed “Fichte,” openSUSE 11.2 is planned for release in November, and releases thereaf...
The openSUSE Factory distribution is our permanent development distribution. Currently used to develop openSUSE 11.2. We want to make the factory distribution better usable...
The KDE Project released KDE 4.2 on Tuesday, and of course openSUSE packages were available in time for the release. If you missed the pointer from the KDE announcement inf...
Andreas Schneider has unleashed the first public release candidate of csync 0.42, which is now available as source from the csync Web site, or via one-click for openSUSE 11...
Again here are the download numbers, from If you don’t know, in the first 30 hours after the release we are redirecting the traffic to akamai instead...
openSUSE 11.1 continues a long history of shipping a well-polished KDE. This release includes not just one, but two choices of KDE. You can choose from the leading edge of ...
The openSUSE Project is proud to announce the release of openSUSE 11.1. The openSUSE 11.1 release includes more than 230 new features, improvements to YaST, major updates t...
Tomorrow is the big day! So some might wonder what exactly will happen … Basically we turn on the headless chicken mode and waiting that our servers will melt away :-) Not...
In our continuing series of Sneak Peeks at openSUSE 11.1, we’re introducing the newest version of the GNOME desktop into openSUSE. openSUSE 11.1 will contain the latest ver...
We have it! :-)
Welcome to the first in a series of Sneak Peeks at openSUSE 11.1! With less than a week to go until the release of openSUSE 11.1,we’ll be talking about the great new innova...
openSUSE 11.1 is gold, and available for pre-order! The release date is still the 18th of December, just in time to have some fun over the holidays … So what do you get fo...
The openSUSE Project is happy to announce that openSUSE 11.1 RC 1 is now available. If all goes well, this will be the last testing release before the final 11.1 public rel...
The Beta5 DVD and NET ISO images for PowerPC have just been replaced by Beta5.1 ISO images. The only change is the way the ISOs are created - now they are bootable media. ...
Aaron Bockover has announced that the 1.4 release of Banshee is now available. The new release includes support for Android G1, better device support, a new track editor, t...
Greetings, openSUSE fans! We have another development release ready for your testing pleasure. openSUSE 11.1 beta 5 is now available for immediate download and testing. Yo...
Yes, you too can have a beautiful openSUSE countdown button just like the one you see in this post. The banners have been updated, and as Pascal Bleser reports, we have ...
Good news, everybody! One of the most annoying bugs from openSUSE 11.1 beta 4 has a fix. A problem starting was found too late to fix for the beta, but we do...
We will have tomorrow an extensive feature testing of openSUSE 11.1 beta4. If you want to join, and we would really appreciate it if we get some help on this, please join u...
Hot on the heels of openSUSE 11.1 beta 3, the openSUSE Project is happy to announce the availability of openSUSE 11.1 beta 4. This release includes a number of important b...
After work on the remaining show-stopper bugs we found this week, we have solved the blocker bugs, but were unable to generate all the necessary media and have it propagate...
Just a quick note. The 11.1 release is slipping by at least one day due to a few major problems with the DVDs found during testing. Specifically: The network is b...
The openSUSE Project is proud to announce the availability of beta 3 of the 11.1 release. It’s a few days late, but much better for the delay. Beta 3 is now available for i...
A quick status update on openSUSE 11.1 beta 3. The DVD installation ISOs were not complete by Friday night, and only the x86 live CDs have built correctly – the x86_64 imag...
openSUSE 11.1 beta 3 will be delayed by several days. We originally scheduled the release for today (October 16) but the power outage last Friday left us unable to check in...
The patches we did for the Intel e1000e network card for Beta2 protect the chip so that the NVRAM could not get corrupted anymore and we indeed did not receive any new bug ...
The first beta release for 11.1 was so popular, we’ve decided to do it again! The openSUSE Project is happy to announce the release of openSUSE 11.1 beta 2, available for i...
This is an update on the status of the e1000e issue. Our openSUSE 11.1 Beta 1 release contained a bug that would cause the non-volatile memory (NVM) of the e1000e controlle...
The openSUSE Factory distribution is our permanent moving target, this is the place where all Alpha and Beta versions are mastered from. We are currently in the process of ...
We have an important announcement regarding openSUSE 11.1 beta 1 and SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 beta 1: The Intel e1000e driver on openSUSE 11.1 Beta 1 and SUSE Linux Enterp...
The openSUSE 11.1 beta 1 release marks a significant change for openSUSE. For the first time in 11 years, a SUSE release was not built in the SUSE internal AutoBuild servi...
The openSUSE Project is happy to announce the first beta release of openSUSE 11.1. openSUSE 11.1 includes quite a few improvements and new features over the 11.0 release, i...
In the “old days” SuSE had a closed list of beta testers that would help with SuSE Linux testing and try to help SuSE ensure the best possible Linux distribution. Many beta...
After receiving a great deal of feedback on the issue of KDE 3.5 inclusion in openSUSE 11.1, the KDE team has decided to take the following course of action. KDE 3...
Do you know openSUSE’s MirrorBrain? I have been working on it for over a year now. It is a mirror framework which is open source and can be used by anyone. The other day,...
We have exciting news for security enthusiasts, experts, and paranoid people! Beginning with openSUSE 11.1, SUSE users will have an additional option regarding security fr...
We are about to establish a new openSUSE team - the Proofreading Team. This team wants to check new software strings before translator will start there work. If you are in...
Now with openSUSE 11.0 out the door, and Alpha 1 of openSUSE 11.1 just released, it’s time to start thinking about the look of openSUSE 11.1! Once again this year the Pixel...
Again we have some nice, new and shiny PromoDVDs, now with openSUSE 11.0. The main goal is to spread them. Some examples: you organize or take part of an event you wa...
We are standardizing now on the definitions given at // The severity definitions are now the same as in most other open source projects, so...
With openSUSE 11.0 out the door, it’s time to start thinking about openSUSE 11.1. The public release of openSUSE 11.1 is scheduled for December 18, 2008, six months after t...
We’re pleased to announce the public beta of the Novell Client for openSUSE 10.3. Novell released the packages for the Novell Client for Linux 2.0 SP1 public beta today. A...
Let me share some numbers for the openSUSE 11.0 release. Do you remember the 10.3 release? Again we used akamai for distribution of the images. Again for 30 hours, and yes,...
The openSUSE Project is proud to announce the release of openSUSE 11.0 – everything you need to get started with Linux on the desktop and on the server. Promoting the use o...
In this final Sneak Peeks article we will be taking a look at some of the other improvements making their way into openSUSE 11.0. Firefox 3.0 openSUSE features the new ...
Just a few hours before openSUSE 11.0 is officially released! Here we’ll take a look at GNOME in openSUSE 11.0, and talk to Vincent Untz, openSUSE developer and a member of...
With openSUSE 11.0 just a few days away, it’s time to look at one of the stars of the show: KDE. In openSUSE 11.0, you get two KDEs for the price of one. Here we’ll take a ...
The Banshee team has released version 1.0! This release will be found in openSUSE 11.0, and includes tons of new features and improvements over the previous Banshee release...
There have been several changes with the Compiz setup in openSUSE 11.0, including both exciting and new features in Compiz Fusion, and extra developments behind-the-scenes ...
In this article we will be covering all of the changes in and around the package management stack in the upcoming openSUSE 11.0. There have been a plethora of both visual a...
I’m glad to announce the beginning of the Sneak Peaks at openSUSE 11.0 series! Over the next few weeks we will be taking a look at all of the exciting changes and improveme...
The openSUSE Project is proud to announce the openSUSE 11.0 Release Candidate 1 (RC1). The good news is that we’re closing in on the final release of 11.0, but it’s not tim...
The openSUSE team is proud to announce the last Beta release of openSUSE 11.0! Over 700 bugs has been fixed since Beta 2. This means we’re on the home stretch for openSUSE ...
In order to optimize the YaST partitioner module for openSUSE users the user experience team decided to conduct a small survey to figure out how you deal with hard disk con...
The openSUSE team is proud to announce the second Beta release of openSUSE 11.0! New changes include countless bug fixes, as well as the import of the new openSUSE 11.0 art...
Michal Vyskocil has requested a new mailing list around Java topics. You can subscribe to it or browse the newly created archive. This nicely fits our other Java changes, w...
The openSUSE team is proud to announce the first Beta release of openSUSE 11.0! There are many exciting enhancements and features in the new release. Among these is the inc...
You can help spread the word for openSUSE 11.0 before it’s released! The openSUSE project now has countdown banners that display the number of days before the next openSUS...
After four regular weeks and one hack week after Alpha 2, we are very happy to announce openSUSE 11.0 Alpha 3. See more screenshots on the Screenshots/openSUSE_11.0_Al...
Only three weeks after Alpha1, we’re glad to announce the release of openSUSE 11.0 Alpha 2. There are various exciting changes in there that we would like to have feedback ...
With the new year beginning we kick start major development into the next version of openSUSE: openSUSE 11.0 (roadmap). A very early alpha version, Alpha 1, is now availabl...
For the last issue of their openSUSE release series, Novell Open Audio has talked to Marcus Meißner, team lead of the SUSE security team, to learn about the processes tri...
We’d like to kick start the development of openSUSE 11.0 by releasing the current state of Factory as an Alpha0 release. Since the release of 10.3, we checked in 2187 packa...
The X Window System developer team at SUSE has released version 1.0.0 of the ATI Radeon R5xx and R6xx chipset driver it has been developing over the past few months for Nov...
The release of KDE 4.0 RC1, KOffice 2 Alpha 5, and Firefox 3.0 Beta 1 were all announced in the last week. As always, openSUSE packages are available in the openSUSE Build ...
As part of their openSUSE series over the next coming weeks, Novell Open Audio is taking a look at the YaST Improvements and 1-Click-Install in openSUSE 10.3. It features...
The live version of openSUSE 10.3 is now available as a GNOME or KDE CD. Both contain the same software as the 1 CD installation versions would provide you with, but as a l...
The casual reader of knows that openSUSE 10.3 contains a YaST tool for creating images using KIWI. However, it is not that known fact that openSUSE 10.3 ...
A small team has created videos of the openSUSE 10.3 installation with commentary and plans to create further ones. — A Live-CD based on openSUSE 10.3 with the KDE 4.0 Beta...
Last week we released openSUSE 10.3, and we want to keep you updated on its very successful launch. I finally got some more numbers: During the first 30 hours we changed t...
The spicy power team concentrated for openSUSE 10.3 on supporting the Sony Playstation PS3, the major changes are: openSUSE 10.3 is fully installable with YaST on ...
Yesterday we released openSUSE 10.3, and we are pretty impressed what happened. Some rough numbers: Our download for the iso images peaked at 14Gbit/s, the average was 12...
As part of a Novell Open Audio series on openSUSE, they will be interviewing various openSUSE developers to find out more about the project, particular involvements and new...
The openSUSE team is proud to announce the release of openSUSE 10.3. Promoting the use of Linux everywhere, the openSUSE project provides free, easy access to the world’s m...
With this last article the Sneak Peeks series comes to an end for this release. But don’t worry: it’s tightly packed with an extra share of information on the latest openSU...
openSUSE 10.3 has been declared Gold and will now be uploaded to the mirrors and available for download on October 4th - the boxed version can be pre-ordered for delivery s...
Some changes in openSUSE 10.3 have ensured that if you are interested in just about any type of popular virtualisation, then openSUSE is the operating system to be on. From...
Stephan Kulow has announced openSUSE 10.3 Live CDs based on Release Candidate 2 which also got synced out - its live installer should still be considered Alpha. The securit...
openSUSE 10.3 has seen a lot of changes with the media selection; the most prominent one being the new 1-CD installation for KDE, and 1-CD installation for GNOME. Multimedi...
openSUSE has been driving innovation on the Linux desktop, and in today’s serial we’ll be discovering just what has been happening on the GNOME front. Among other things, o...
If you want to help testing our standard test cases, please coordinate with others and subscribe to (subscribe)! I’d like to do a special cal...
After quite a few rebuilds and testing, the openSUSE team is happy to announce that RC1 looks brilliant and is now available for download. We consider this release to be fe...
AMD has recently released register specifications for the ATI Radeon R5xx and R6xx graphic devices. Engineers from Novell have now released a first alpha quality Open ...
The JPackage project aims to provide rpm packages with lots of Java programs and libraries. The main focus is on free and open source software. Currently there are about 45...
KIWI-LTSP team is very happy to announce the new project on Novell Forge. The project aims to combine the Linux Terminal Server and openSUSE KIWI imaging technologies. LT...
openSUSE 10.3 will see the first small parts of KDE 4 creeping into the distribution. KDE 3 will still be the default KDE session for openSUSE 10.3, but KDE 4 will be makin...
The openSUSE Team is proud to announce the release of openSUSE 10.3 Beta 3. Though this release should not be used on any production machines, everyone can help shape this ...
Compiz and Xgl are two classic examples of where SUSE engineers have revolutionised the Linux desktop. openSUSE 10.3 will contain the latest Compiz 0.5.4 installed by defau...
The openSUSE 10.3 Beta 2 release brought down another major obstacle in developing YaST: the famous YCP language is not strictly needed for the YaST development anymore. A ...
openSUSE 10.3 is set to contain a new, significantly improved and more mature package management stack by default. ZMD, the package management component causing problems in...
Some interesting data on the dektop usage of Linux. What’s striking is that popularity of openSUSE almost doubled form roughly 10% in 2006 to close to 20% in 2007 survey.
The openSUSE Team is proud to announce the release of openSUSE 10.3 Beta 2. Though this release should not be used on any production machines, everyone can help shape this ...
Today we are taking a look at the new One-Click Install technology which aims to simplify package management for users. We will see how this is integrated into the openSUSE...
Andrew Morton has spoken at different occasions about testing of the Linux kernel and asked users to test the current development version and report their findings. For ou...
Again time to sum up news that didn’t make it to an own story here: At LinuxWorld San Francisco it was announced that SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop, which is based on the o...
The Bug Slashing Weekend has come to an end, and we are happy to report that it was a huge success! Countless old bugs were slashed, updated, and looked over, though for th...
Stephan Kulow has created and uploaded Live CDs of the 1-CD installations for your pleasure: GNOME Live ISO, KDE Live ISO. He writes: “Please put ‘live CD’ into the summary...
openSUSE 10.3 is going to be filled with new improvements and exciting technologies. To allow you to discover exactly what the developers have been working hard on behind t...
So openSUSE 10.3 Beta 1 has now been released and it’s looking great. A long-discussed topic on the (subscribe) mailing list was the suggesti...
The openSUSE team is proud to announce the first Beta release of openSUSE 10.3. There are many exciting enhancements and features in the new release. Among these are a whol...
The openSUSE Team is proud to announce the release of openSUSE 10.3 Alpha 7. Though this release should not be used on any production machines, everyone can help shape this...
KDE 4.0 Beta 1 has been released which marks the beginning of the integration process which will bring the powerful new technologies included in the now frozen KDE 4 libra...
There have been several requests from community members on the mailing lists to join language teams for the languages Brazilian Portuguese, German, French, Italian, Japanes...
As quickies we combine news not worthy of an own story: Next week, a public openSUSE 10.3 Alpha 7 will be released which previously was planned as internal Alpha 6+. SUSE v...
openSUSE 10.3 Alpha6 has been released to the public today. Read more about it .
I’m glad to announce that I have given over my responsibilities for the openSUSE distribution to Stephan Kulow As from now on Stephan is project manager for ...
The results of the survey we did on proprietary software has been published: It shows that we ship on the media some software which is hardly used (e.g. PlanMaker, SEPsesam...
With todays release of the CUPS bugfix/security fix update we have released the last security update or SUSE Linux 9.3. It is now officially discontinued and out of support...
The fifth Alpha release of openSUSE 10.3 has been released. First time two one installation media are offered: a GNOME CD and a KDE CD. Some annoying bugs were already disc...
We like to know a bit more about the usage of proprietary software we ship on some versions of our openSUSE distribution. Therefore we created a 16 question survey and ask...
We have a new mailing list opensuse-softwaremgmt. It’s meant to bring the people involved in different projects having to do with package management together. Related chec...
The fourth Alpha release of openSUSE 10.3 has been released. Some annoying bugs were already discovered. With its latest updates, the company warns it may phone tracker c...
Andreas Jaeger announced the final roadmap for openSUSE 10.3. openSUSE 10.3 is the next release that incorporates new features from both the community and Novell internal d...