Members of the openSUSE Election Committee have informed the project that Board elections are underway. Four candidates are running for three open seats. The final candid...
Members of the openSUSE Election Committee have provided an update regarding this year’s Board election. This election will fill three board seats. All eligible openSUSE me...
The openSUSE community is invited to an online engagement with SUSE’s General Manager for Business Critical Linux on Dec. 3 at 16:00 UTC. Rick Spencer, who leads the SUSE ...
Open-source software developers, tech enthusiasts and innovators worldwide are set for Hack Week 24 that starts today and runs through Nov. 22. The event is a cornerstone ...
The openSUSE Board is calling for the formation of a working group to explore topics focused on project governance, operational models and rebranding for the project. This...
Members of the openSUSE’s election committee have provided notice to the project about the start of this year’s board election. This election there are three board seats up...
The openSUSE Project is excited to announce as the latest Gold Sponsor! The company’s support will empower the openSUSE community to continue building open-sourc...
The openSUSE Project has announced the launch of a new initiative aimed at highlighting contributions of its diverse community members. Dubbed “Contributor in the Spotligh...
The second session of the openSUSE Project’s meetup regarding the End of the Year Survey Results on Jan. 30 led to some changes with regard to future surveys and contributo...
The openSUSE Project will begin monthly web development sprints to address feedback provided by attendees of the Jan. 23 meetup regarding the results of the End of the Year...
The first session of the openSUSE Project’s meetup regarding the End of the Year Survey Results on Jan. 23 is already starting produce some actionable items from contributo...
The openSUSE Project welcomes our followers to participate in two planned meetups to discuss results from the End of the Year Community Survey on Jan. 23 and Jan. 30. Both...
The joint openSUSE + LibreOffice Conference 2020 will take place from October 15 – 17. And there’s lots going on! We’ll have talks, presentations, keynotes, tutorials and m...
The joint openSUSE + LibreOffice Conference 2020 will run from October 15 – 17, and Collabora has joined as a Diamond Sponsor. Collabora is a major contributor to the Libr...
Organizers of the openSUSE + LibreOffice Conference are pleased to announce the schedule for the conference is published. All times on the schedule are published in Coor...
The openSUSE community is ready for Hacktoberfest, which is run by Digital Ocean and DEV that encourages people to make their first contributions to open source projects. T...
The month-long, virtual-festival event that celebrates open source contributions, Hacktoberfest, is coming soon and members of the openSUSE community can make a difference....
Members of the openSUSE community will have two retrospective meetings about the release of openSUSE Leap 15.2 after receiving feedback from the recent survey. The meeting...
The openSUSE release team is would like feedback from users, developers and stakeholders about the release of the of community-developed openSUSE Leap 15.2 through a survey...
The release of openSUSE Leap 15.2 continues to expand its use and is now available for Windows Subsystem for Linux in the Microsoft Store. Leap can be executed on top of W...
ISO 639-1 Languages - CA - CS - DE - FR - ID - IT - ES - JA - ZH-TW - PT NUREMBERG, Germany (02/07/2020) – The openSUSE release team is proud to announce the availability ...
Planning for the openSUSE + LibreOffice Conference has begun and members of the open-source communities can now register for the conference. The Call for Papers is open and...
Can you tell us a bit about yourself? I live on an island in the middle of the Indian Ocean (20°2’ S, 57°6’ E), called Mauritius. I work for a company that supports me in ...
You already know what a fantastic platform openSUSE is for doing just about anything with Linux. So what’s behind that easy-to-use and super powerful distribution that we k...
Election time is here! Two seats are open for election on the openSUSE Board. Gertjan Lettink completed his second term. Simon Lees completed his first term and thus he is...
The openSUSE Community is going to Ireland March 27 and 28, 2020, for openSUSE Summit Dublin. Registration for the summit has begun and the Call for Papers is open until F...
The openSUSE community concluded its sixth openSUSE.Asia Summit this weekend at the Fakultas Teknik of the Universitas Udayana in Bali, Indonesia. Bali’s newest tourist at...
Following discussions about the “openSUSE Project logo & name change” that started in June on the openSUSE Project mailing list [1], the Election Committee received a r...
The LibreOffice and openSUSE communities will have a joint conference next year in Nuremberg, Germany, and for this special co-conference, we are having a logo competition....
Dear Community, After six years on the openSUSE Board and five as its Chairperson, I have decided to step down as Chair of the openSUSE Board effective today, August 19. ...
Leap 15.1 Supports More Hardware, Drivers, Enhances Installation EN / CA / DE / FR / IT / ES / JA / NL / PL / ZH / ZH-TW 22/05/2019 ** NUREMBERG, Germany **- Today’s r...
For the second time, Indonesia was chosen to host the openSUSE.Asia Summit 2019 event. A similar event was held in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, in 2016 and was attended by hundre...
[caption id=”attachment_21446” align=”alignleft” width=”180”] Christian Boltz aka cboltz, incumbent[/caption] The results are in and the Voting Members have chosen incumbe...
openSUSE is pleased to announce the first phase for accepting talks for the openSUSE Conference 2019 (oSC19) has begun. A total of 80 talks were submitted during the call ...
Cast Your Votes While You Can! Ballots Will Close This Friday for 2018-2019 openSUSE Board Elections [caption id=”attachment_21696” align=”alignleft” width=”283”] Ahmad R...
Cast Your Votes! We have done our part: Now, You do Yours! [caption id=”attachment_21677” align=”aligncenter” width=”650”] 2018-2019 Election Poster contributed by Aris ...
Seven Candidates in Race for Three Vacant Board Seats With only 8 days left to go until the ballots open on Monday, February 4, 2019, openSUSE News and the Elections Commi...
Seven Candidates in Race for Three Vacant Board Seats With only 9 days left to go until the ballots open on Monday, February 4, 2019, openSUSE News and the Elections Commi...
Seven Candidates in Race for Three Vacant Board Seats With only 10 days left to go until the ballots open on Monday, February 4, 2019, openSUSE News and the Elections Comm...
Seven Candidates in Race for Three Vacant Board Seats With only 11 days left to go until the ballots open on Monday, February 4, 2019, openSUSE News and the Elections Comm...
Seven Candidates in Race for Three Vacant Board Seats With less than two weeks to go until the ballots open on Monday, February 4, 2019, openSUSE News and the Elections ...
Seven Candidates in Race for Three Vacant Board Seats With less than two weeks to go until the ballots open on Monday, February 4, 2019, openSUSE News and the Elections C...
Seven Candidates in Race for Three Vacant Board Seats With two weeks to go until the ballots open on Monday, February 4, 2019, openSUSE News and the Elections Committee ar...
Nominations and applications for Candidates came to a close Sunday, January 13, 2019, and the Campaign Phase of the 2018-2019 openSUSE Board Elections kicked in Monday, Jan...
The Elections Committee announced today, Tuesday, January 8, 2019, the first two Candidates who have passed the application and eligibility process and are declared as offi...
There are less than 10 days left to apply as a Candidate for the openSUSE Board Elections, yet as of this date, no eligible Candidates have stepped up to run for the three ...
One more year, Google Summer of Code (GSoC), a mentoring program in which openSUSE helps university students contribute to open source project, has come to an end. So, befo...
One of the growing community of openSUSE enthusiasts in Indonesia has contributed a poster he designed for the 2018-2019 Board Elections and Membership Drive. [caption id=...
Earlier this week, on Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2018, the Elections Committee posted the Schedule for the 2018-2019 openSUSE Board Elections, along with the announcement of a Membe...
The open-source community has a new project designed to help Linux/GNU distributions with the legal review process of licenses. The new project called Cavil is legal revie...
Two companies were recently added to the openSUSE Sponsors page thanks to the companies generous donations to the openSUSE Project. Both Marvell and TUXEDO Computers have ...
David Kang and I attended two weeks ago (12-14 Oct) the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) Mentor Summit in California representing openSUSE. Here is our report of the co...
The openSUSE Project is pleased to announce that it is accepting proposals for openSUSE Conference 2020. The Call for Hosts will be open until April 15, 2019. The openSUSE...
openSUSE.Asia Summit is an annual conference organized since 2014 every time in a different Asian city. Although it is a really successful event, which plays a really impor...
openSUSE is pleased to announce that registration and the call for papers for the openSUSE Conference 2019 (oSC19), which takes place in Nuremberg, Germany, are open. The ...
Dear Community, It has been more than a year since the openSUSE community started the Kubic Project, and it’s worth looking back over the last months and evaluating where ...
The usual lifetime of openSUSE Leap minor versions have traditionally received updates for about 18 months, but the minor version of Leap 42.3 is being extended. The last ...
As you may already know, openSUSE participates again in GSoC, an international program that awards stipends to university students who contribute to real-world open source ...
The openSUSE Project is pleased to announce the location and dates for the 2019 openSUSE Conference. The openSUSE Conference 2019 will return to the Z-Bau in Nuremberg, Ge...
The release of openSUSE Leap 15 two weeks ago is following up with its Build to Scale theme by offering images for Raspberry Pis, Beagle Boards, Arndale board, CuBox-i comp...
Today, we will start a logo competition for openSUSE.Asia Summit 2018, which is going to be held in Taipei, Taiwan. A logo is an essential material for the successful summi...
PRAGUE, Czech Republic - Members of a new open source community project called Uyuni announced today at openSUSE Conference that a fork of the open-source systems managem...
We always enjoy that new people join openSUSE community and help them in their first steps. Because of that, openSUSE participates again in GSoC, an international program i...
openSUSE.Asia Committee calls for proposals of talks for openSUSE.Asia Summit 2018 held at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology on August 11 and 12. We mig...
This year’s openSUSE Board elections produced the longest election period in the history of the project. The four phases of the election, which included an application pha...
The ballots for Elections to fill the three seats on the openSUSE Board are open until April 27. The voting began April 15 and openSUSE Members are able to vote for the fo...
Elections for the openSUSE Board have been postponed until mid-April. Until then, the community can familiarize themselves with the candidates who are running for three ava...
The elections for the openSUSE Board have been postponed until April 15. The postponement will extend Phase 1 of the elections and give candidates more time to campaign an...
Campaigning for the elections of the openSUSE Board is nearing its end and will move on to the Phase 2 Election phase beginning April 2. There are three seats available on...
The openSUSE.Asia organization committee is accepting proposals to host the openSUSE.Asia Summit during the second half of 2018. The openSUSE.Asia Summit is the largest ann...
A network outage this weekend will effect openSUSE services that have a Direct Connection to Nuremberg host infrastructure on Saturday, March 10, between the hours of 1 and...
openSUSE participates again in Google Summer of Code (GSoC), a program that awards stipends to university students who contribute to real-world open source projects during ...
Let the fun begin! This week it was announced that the openSUSE Project is one of the 212 mentoring organization for this year’s Google Summer of Code, which is an annual i...
The development version of openSUSE Leap 15 has reached its beta phase builds and snapshots are available for testers via //
The minor release of openSUSE Leap 42.2 will reach its End-of-Life (EOL) this week on Jan. 26. The EOL phase ends the updates to the operating system, and those who contin...
Hi folks, By now you probably heard about the new “Spectre” and “Meltdown” side channel attacks against current processors. openSUSE, same as almost all other current ope...
Getting the masses to move to a Linux distribution can be challenging, but the openSUSE Project is doing its part to get people started with open-source software. Members ...
Merging SUSE Studio and Open Build Service Written by Andreas Jaeger SUSE Studio was launched in 2009 to make building images really easy. Nowadays, images are used every...
A scheduled power outage in the Nuremberg office will effect a number of openSUSE services from Oct. 13 at 4 p.m. (16:00 UTC) to Oct. 14 at 4 p.m. (16:00 UTC). The schedu...
Thank you for designing great logos and helping us to choose one from them. As a result of the final vote, two candidates tied for the first place. openSUSE.Asia Summit Co...
Public Money? Public Code! from Free Software Foundation Europe on Vimeo. Europeans can disagree on political issues, but there is one issue the open-source community is b...
(Languages: DE, ES, FR, IT, ZH, zh_TW) openSUSE Leap 42.3 Gives Smooth Desktop and Server Upgrade The openSUSE Project released openSUSE Leap 42.3 today bringing the comm...
Mike Tyson might have said it best when he said “everyone has a plan ‘till they get punched in the mouth.” Tyson’s point is that plans change, especially in the moment of ...
Many people are anxiously awaiting for the release of openSUSE Leap 42.3 next week, but before the release arrives, you can prepare for a Release Party to celebrate the upc...
Today, we will start a logo competition for openSUSE.Asia Summit 2017, which is going to be held in Tokyo, Japan. A logo is an essential material for the successful summit....
The English openSUSE wiki has been moved and updated successfully. If you encounter any issue, please let us know by mail to admin(@) On July 11, the MediaWi...
Recent years have seen tremendous growth in the container technologies market. From being a non-existent category just a few years ago to being one of the most interesting,...
Five students will spend this summer putting their coding skills into practice for openSUSE and other projects during this year’s Google Summer of Code. The internationa...
LinuxFest Northwest 2017, coming up the first weekend in May, promises to continue its tradition of providing a unique, active, fun experience for open-source enthusiasts a...
The openSUSE Project is pleased to announce the availability of the openSUSE Leap 42.2 Release Candidate 1 (RC1). Since mid-May, the project has been guiding the developme...
In this years edition of Google Summer of Code, an international annual program in which stipends are awarded to students to hack on Free Software during the summer, openSU...
The openSUSE Board announced today a call to action for a Community Release Team to assist with tasks associated to the development of the next Leap version 42.2. The anno...
William Shakespeare once wrote that “it is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.” Fine words from an educated and knowledgeable man who was born privileged...
An updated landing page for the openSUSE Project is live and it features 18 different languages to describe the embodiment of the project. New visitors can now easily unde...
A job announcement for a Release Engineer for openSUSE was published today and it offers a unique challenge, which sounds pretty cool. The optional bonus challenges to be i...
A warm and green hello to all of the geekosphere! Last month’s screenshot contest was a complete success! Our geeko friends submitted twice the usual amount of screenshots...
Greetings, green portion of the GNU/Linux web! It’s been a while since you last heard from us, so let’s say we give you something special this time around. All of us users...
The conference date is right around the corner. Part of schedule is out and the organization is running to have everything settled to host visitors and organize the best op...
openSUSE Conference 2015 As you may already know, the Travel Support Program (TSP) provides travel sponsorships to openSUSE community who want to attend the openSUSE con...
February 14 is a day to express your love for others and in keeping with that theme, openSUSE extends its gratitude toward the organizations and people who make Free and ...
Before the dawn of 2015 and as announced at oSC14 work has already started for yet another awesome openSUSE Conference. For 2015 the city of The Hague in theNetherlands ...
Tis the season for Geeko hacking - Fa la la la la, la la la la! Whom wouldn’t get excited about this time of year? And as Christmas is about giving here is our selection ...
To help promote 13.2, we have assembled some badges, backgrounds, counters and banners for you to put on your social media or blog pages. For your blog and social media ac...
With less than three weeks from the release of our beloved green distro and the first release candidate already rocking, we can feel like we are almost there. This is exact...
Hello Geekos, You may be aware the Linux Foundation recently launched two Certification programs Linux Foundation Certified Sysadmin (LFCS) covering basic system admin...
Dear openSUSE Community, As you might be aware, SUSE’s parent entity, the Attachmate Group has entered into an agreement to merge into Micro Focus, a UK-based enterprise s...
Hi there, green machine users! As you know, there has been a survey going on about your favorite news spot. It was our way of feeling your pulse a little, to see what you ...
Heya geekos, geekos-to-be, and all other interested parties. This time it’s going to be a short one. We, the geekos kindly invite you to hang out with us! Yes, hang out....
As we stated in one of our earlier articles, the openSUSE team is working full steam. Even though it may sometimes seem quiet news-wise, it’s not so by any means. So, let’s...
Spreading the word about our project has again become a little bit easier. As announced during the Opening Keynote at oSC14 the reimbursement program for locally produced ...
oSC14 took place in Dubrovnik, Croatia, attracting a large number of Geekos to give and attend talks, organize and attend workshops and have fun at the parties. Compared to...
[caption id=”attachment_17869” align=”alignright” width=”300”] The Board in Action[/caption] The openSUSE Conference 2014 in Dubrovnik was kicked off just an hour ago by t...
We are happy to announce that at long last the schedule for oSC14 has landed and you can find the details of the once again jam packed conference here. We already published...
Less than two months from the awesome openSUSE Conference will kick off. The location of oSC14 is the beautiful and historic city of Dubrovnik, located on the Dalmatian co...
[caption id=”attachment_17724” align=”alignright” width=”300”] click to download banners![/caption] Every year we hear from people who did not know when or where the openS...
As you can see on the website, affordable accommodation deals have been prepared for all the Geekos visiting the openSUSE conference 2014. To get those low prices, bookings...
At the openSUSE Conference 2014 in Dubrovnik hundreds of Geekos are expected to meet, discuss and attend the talks and workshops. The openSUSE Conference Paper Committee is...
We are very pleased to announce Michael Meeks as our keynote speaker for the Saturday opening session at oSC14, held in Dubrovnik April 25th - 28th, 2014. Besides Michael M...
The openSUSE Conference 2014 will happen in Dubrovnic, Croatia. The TSP goal is to help everybody in and around openSUSE to be able to come to the openSUSE Conference! Yo...
Fosdem is the biggest open source developer’s event in Europe. Geekos couldn’t miss the chance to be there promoting our beloved distribution and of course our next big ...
Starting today, the oSC14 Program Committee is ready to accept your proposals for sessions!We’re also ready to register visitors interested in joining us. Your talk and wor...
As we reported last week, our public forums have been compromised and defaced. Passwords were safe but the cracker did manage to get access to the database with our forum p...
As announced at the openSUSE Conference 2013, this years openSUSE conference will take place in Dubrovnik, Croatia. This beautiful city will welcome us Geekos from the 24t...
Great News!!! For almost 2 years Izabel Valverde and Kostas Koudaras run the Travel Support Program Team with the openSUSE Board & SUSE support. After a great job d...
It is december 14, dear Geekos! That means that tomorrow, December 15, the official deadline for voting for the openSUSE Board Elections ends! That’s right, you have only ...
Dear Geekos! We’re sure you are all anxiously awaiting the release of openSUSE 13.1, coming in 24 hours. Yes, just around the corner! So we want to remind you that you ca...
Our openSUSE Summit 2013 has just finished here in Orlando. We were hosted in a Mexican themed hotel in the area of Disney World, with our own special area setup nicely f...
In just a little over a week, openSUSE 13.1 will be released! As we’ve all put in serious work to make this happen, it is certainly a good cause for celebration. Time to or...
The end of the year is approaching. And besides Santa and fireworks, Geekos know: the openSUSE board gets a refresh! The openSUSE Election Committee has announced the time...
As you may well know, Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort in beautiful Florida will welcome all Geekos to this year’s openSUSE Summit from November 15 to 17. This will be a g...
We as a community are still abuzz from the success of the first community organized openSUSE conference in Thessaloniki this past July and many are already looking forwar...
We’re not at the release, but the beta is out, according to the roadmap RC1 is coming Thursday and our artists have been hard at work preparing artwork. We’ve got badges,...
We are happy to announce the Travel Team is ready to receive applications for sponsorships to attend to openSUSE Summit 2013. This year openSUSE Summit will be held in t...
Friday is the day: the Beta Pizza Hackaton is here. Have you already been testing the Beta? Reported bugs? Great! This Friday we’ll begin to triage and fix them! There wi...
It has already been a year since the first iteration of the openSUSE Summit held in Orlando Florida. Our guests and organizers agreed that tying this community event at th...
Just as we started the conference with great energy and enthusiasm there is always a time to part ways until the next reunion. Some tears drop and hugs are given as we sepa...
While everyone is certainly looking forward to the upcoming openSUSE Conference in Thessaloniki, Greece (only a few days away) it is not too early to cast our view just a b...
We’ve got great news for you: the openSUSE Conference Paper Committee has finalized the conference program! We’ve got inspiring keynotes, interesting talks, in-depth worksh...
In about a month, the openSUSE conference will kick off in Thessaloniki, Greece. We expect that about 300 visitors will join us for 4 days featuring over 60 talks, workshop...
The openSUSE conference will feature Georg Greve as first keynote speaker, opening the event on Friday morning. He will talk about “Freedom in the world we live in and the...
Master oSC13 Kostas just published his “only 58 days to go” blog in his series of daily how are we doing posts and it should be clear that with less than two months to go,...
The Conference is getting closer while the team makes progress. Let’s talk numbers: two promotional video’s have been made, a choice of 7 hotels is available on the confere...
Over the last few years, we’ve seen openSUSE grow into an international project consisting of a large number of volunteer contributors from around the world. These contribu...
Today the openSUSE Travel Support Team opened the Travel Support Request Submission tool for requests related to the openSUSE Conference 2013 in Thessaloniki. The goal is...
Fosscomm (Free and Open Source Software Communities Meeting) is an annual conference for Free and Open Software. It’s organized from the Greek open source community for th...
Now that openSUSE 12.3 is out, the openSUSE ARM Team want to step up a gear. As the cycle was shorter than normal, there are a few wrinkles that need to be ironed out and ...
Last week we let openSUSE 12.3 out of the gate. Like always, it was exciting and fun to see the result of so much preparation get to our users! So, how did it go and what ...
Today the openSUSE board invites you to submit your proposal for locations of the openSUSE Conference in 2014. Please send proposals to the openSUSE project mailing list wi...
In preparation for the upcoming 12.3 release, the openSUSE Marketing and Artwork Teams followed up a very successful FOSDEM presence with a week-long hackfest at the SUSE ...
Today, the openSUSE community is happy and proud to announce the openSUSE Conference 2013, oSC13. On July 18, the openSUSE Community will flock to the land where 2500 years...
This article attempts to give a bit of an overview of what happened at oSC 12. And that is lots and lots, as you can see in the Google Plus event page for oSC12 and LinuxD...
On 6 December, 2012, the 8 candidates standing for election of the 2013 openSUSE Board joined members of the community in an open Q&A Debate session on IRC. The compl...
The excitement has been building for weeks and now the most important phase of the openSUSE Board elections begins today – Election Time! Two seats are open for election...
The period for standing up for election to the 2013 openSUSE Board is now closed and the openSUSE Election Officials committee is proud to announce this year’s candidates...
Two weeks ago, openSUSE Ambassadors Ilias and Diomidis joined the SUSE crew at LinuxCon in Barcelona, Spain, to represent the Geeko to the visitors of this conference. As m...
This years openSUSE Election Committee is in the pleasant position to announce the 2012 Board elections[0]. The timeline we decided for this year election is the following...
Kevin Carillo, a PhD student currently living in Wellington (New Zealand) is doing some research on Free/Open Source Software communities. He asked the openSUSE community f...
Hot on the heels of the news that the Google Chromebook runs openSUSE (even made slashdot) and following the closing of the openSUSE Conference in Prague, Dirk Müller let ...
[caption id=”attachment_14487” align=”alignright” width=”300”] registration desk[/caption] The third day schedule began gently at 10:00, with a few of the headaches that c...
The second day started an hour later to give people time to recover from the party the previous night. The golden autumn weather seemed to have run out by Sunday, making...
On Saturday the openSUSE Conference 2012 began. The fourth annual meeting of the openSUSE Community is taking place in Prague, Czech Republic at the CVUT University. After...
You’ve seen interviews now with a number of speakers at the upcoming conference in Prague starting on Saturday. Here, we’ve got one more: Shane Coughlan on his Flying Drone...
At the upcoming four in one conference in Prague we have a smashing session schedule ready for you. Last week we gave a sneak peek of some of those sessions. Today, we add...
Next weekend the openSUSE Conference 2012 begins. Please join us October 20-23 at the Czech Technical University in Prague. This year, the openSUSE conference co-locates wi...
Everyone knows what really matters at a conference happens outside the scheduled talks, right? The life of the openSUSE project happens when we get together, talk and pla...
The openSUSE Conference 2012 takes place next week from October 20th to 23rd in Prague, Czech Republic. When you first step into the world of Free Software, it isn’t alwa...
Less than two weeks from now the openSUSE Conference will start. The location itself is almost enough reason to attend: the openSUSE Conference 2012 is in the beautiful, h...
Within three weeks, in Prague, the openSUSE Conference will start off again. Like last year, we have not only an awesome program but also reserved time for small sessions ...
The openSUSE Conference in Prague is about to happen and we know that all of you are really excited about it. One more year with great talks and workshops and the warmth of...
This week Alan Clark announced to the openSUSE Board that he is stepping down from his position as Board Chair. His duties in SUSE keep him increasingly busy and SUSE has ...
As we enter the final straight towards the release of openSUSE 12.2, the openSUSE Team is busy preparing the release publicity. And this is where you, the openSUSE communit...
Happy Birthday openSUSE Alles Gute zum Geburtstag openSUSE openSUSE Joyeux anniversaire openSUSE Feliz Aniversário Χρόνια Πολλά openSUSE openSUSE Feliz Cumpleaños V...
Akademy ES is the yearly meeting of KDE developers and users in Spain. It is organized by the KDE Spain Association, and started in 2008. This year the event was organized ...
[caption id=”attachment_13466” align=”alignright” width=”300” caption=”booth talk at openSUSE Booth”][/caption] LinuxTag in Berlin is still going and openSUSE is having a ...
SUSE, our founder, partner and sponsor, has put out a couple of job openings for the openSUSE Boosters Team! Are you a Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) enthusiast? Are ...
The openSUSE community is proud to welcome Heinlein Support as new sponsor to the project! Heinlein is a Linux specialist offering training, consulting and hosting focused ...
COSCUP is the largest FLOSS conference organized by local communities in Taiwan. The conference has sessions for new users, enthusiastic promoters, coders or anyone who is...
We’re happy to announce that starting March 29 the openSUSE Summit team will accept session proposals for the openSUSE Summit. The openSUSE Summit will take place from Se...
About 2 weeks ago Thomas “digitaltom” Schmidt of the openSUSE Boosters started working on a refresh of the search interface. In that time, he has tran...
It’s that time of the year again - FLISOL, the “Festival Latinoamericano de Instalación de Software Libre” (Latin American free software install fest) will start in about 6...
Our fellow and long time openSUSE contributor Marco “daemon” Michna has passed away last week. He was a friend to many of us, and will be sorely missed. Our condolences a...
[caption id=”attachment_12680” align=”alignright” width=”300” caption=”Busy time at the booth”][/caption] openSUSE brought lots of fun to FOSDEM in Brussels, Belgium. We’r...
**We wish all developers, maintainers, users and friends a Happy New Year. ** Let us make 2012 even better…
The openSUSE board election just started! Please go to: and cast your vote for t...
The openSUSE 12.1 distribution is released. After 8 months of hard work by the openSUSE community, the result could be something less than awesome. It is true that openSU...
The IT world moves fast and along with it does social networking. It’s been only a few days since Google announced the limited availability of Google+ pages and already th...
Heya all, In less than 3 weeks, our little baby, openSUSE 12.1, will be released into the wild. Now as you know, babies need lots of attention! This is where we need YOU....
Friday 16.09, while working on the openSUSE 12.1 marketing actions during the Marketing Hackfest, two of us had the spontaneous idea to suggest an interview to Michael Mill...
Almost 2 years ago, at the first openSUSE conference, a discussion started about Strategy. A few months ago a final document was ready and on July 14th 2011, the strategy...
The Education project provides parents, students and teachers as well as IT admins running labs at educational institutes with education and development resources for their...
As we wrote three weeks ago, June 30th is the deadline for voting for the openSUSE Strategy! Relevance 2 years ago the subject came up at the openSUSE conference: what ...
During the first openSUSE Conference in 2009, the idea was born to start a project to package and publish software for medical purposes. Since then, many packages were buil...
Over the last year an openSUSE strategy discussion has been ongoing. Beginning this year things went quiet for a while as everyone was busy with the openSUSE 11.4 release...
A big kudos to all our ambassadors who are working very hard to let the world know about openSUSE! They have been organizing events, speaking to people and writing about th...
Following the huge success for filling requests of openSUSE 11.3 media in February, we have produced openSUSE 11.4 DVDs to distribute at events, Linux user groups, universi...
Everybody knows openSUSE offers a great desktop experience; but its also a perfect fit for servers! Go download the Installation DVD (or use one of the manufactured DVDs) ...
Copyright Evergreen needs you! To make a version for 11.2 also released and to guarantee the quality of evergreen, we´re searching developers, packagers and also marketi...
We have two birthdays this week! While on April 6th GNOME 3 was born, another kid became 20 years old! The Linux Foundation celebrates the 20th anniversary of Linux with a...
[caption id=”attachment_7955” align=”alignright” width=”242” caption=”old school alternative”][/caption] It’s the 20th Anniversary of Linux in August and the Linux Foundat...
It all started out with a simple question Pavol Rusnak asked on the openSUSE Conference ‘09 _What are we really doing when we develop a new tool to handle openSUSE users a...
As announced previously, openSUSE organized an Open-Bugs-Day held on January 20. Many people participated, including a large number of contributors new to #opensuse-testi...
One of the easiest things to do to contribute to the free and open source movement and the openSUSE Project is to exercise your second free software freedom: The freedom to...
Apart from being a tasty Bavarian bread-snack, Bretzn is a code-name for a collection of technology aimed at solving a problem which has existed in software development for...
Back in October, at the openSUSE Conference, several meetings and hallway discussions occurred on the topic of “Installation ofApplications” on openSUSE. As of today, we st...
[caption id=”attachment_6136” align=”alignright” width=”300” caption=”By somenametoforget at Flickr”][/caption] Since the openSUSE Conference in Nuremberg in October, the ...
[caption id=”attachment_6017” align=”alignright” width=”300” caption=”The lucky winner now has a Chumby!”][/caption] In February 2010 openSUSE held the openSUSE survey 201...
[caption id=”attachment_6077” align=”alignright” width=”300” caption=”The elusive Thirsty Thirteen”][/caption] At the end of the year it is the time for reviews and the op...
On the 6th of December, the openSUSE marketing team held the first of three Collaboration Days. The goal of these days was to get on IRC together and get some tasks done. E...
[caption id=”attachment_6063” align=”alignright” width=”300” caption=”picture by Robert Lihm”][/caption] Next years FOSDEM takes place again in Brussels on Feb 5th and 6th...
For the full transcript of the last openSUSE Board meeting, see our logs. Introduction of new openSUSE Board Chairman - Alan Clark We opened with an introduction to new B...
A Q&A with Jeff Hawn, **__chairman and __CEO of Attachmate by Jos Poortvliet, openSUSE Community Manager at Novell** I had a chance to speak with Jeff Hawn, chairman a...
Last Monday the second Marketing Collaboration Day happened - with a focus on Marketing Materials. The moderators, Chuck Payne and Bryen Yunashko, would like to thank every...
Earlier this week, the openSUSE Marketing Team held the first of a series of Collaboration Days in December. This was, without a doubt, a success with many of our team mem...
Ladies and Gentlemen The Januari edition of the German Linux-Magazin this year will feature something this Magazine has not featured for almost 10 years: a Free Software E...
openFATE, the feature tracking tool used in openSUSE has been completely reworked and the new version is live now on A team has started driving the ...
Community, during our bi-weekly Board Meetings on IRC we have a regular agenda topic “Where do we need to improve?”. We’re very much interested in ideas you may have to im...
Is this thing on? tap tap. Good evening friends, this is your openSUSE Board speaking. If you didn’t hear yet, Novell has agreed to be acquired by Attachmate Corporation. W...
For those who couldn’t make it to the actual event, here is a little impression of the openSUSE conference. Of course, the many blogs on planet openSUSE and the cool specia...
We’re almost there, ladies and gents. Again there was quite some feedback on the strategy doc. We have worked to...
Hi all, The last week we again received over 100 comments on the first and second part of our strategy. A few re...
The monthly meeting of the openSUSE Marketing Team Meeting is held on the third Tuesday of each month at 15:00 UTC on Freenode IRC network, channel #openSUSE-Marketing. Al...
Hi all, Over the last week you have all given input on the new strategy document describing the target users of ...
The openSUSE Conference brings together users, contributors and friends of the openSUSE project from 20th to 23rd October in Nuremberg, Germany. Over four days, more than s...
strategy statement from team Hi all, Over the last weeks there has been a lot of disussion, both internally and externally, about the strategies which have been proposed....
On September 18, it is international Software Freedom Day. Software Freedom Day aims to celebrate Free Software and the people behind it. It wants to spread the word about ...
Javier sent us the following announcement: It's my pleasure to announce the next KDE Bug triage :-) It will begin next Friday (13th) and end on Monday (16th). The aim of...
The openSUSE Boosters are a team of people helping developers of the openSUSE project to take off. It consists of people with skills ranging from low level C hackery ove...
We’re proud to announce today that Jos Poortvliet will join the openSUSE project and Novell as openSUSE Community Manager starting on August 1. With Jos we’ve found a lea...
Due to the positive fact that more proposals emerge, we wanted to take the time to make them into polished proposals that we want to publish for discussion as well. Here’s...
Anyone can become openSUSE member after showing continued and substantial contribution to the project of any kind (bugs, support in forums, wiki edits, code contribution et...
As openSUSE 11.3 is around the corner and will be released on July 15, it’s now the right time to prepare your Launch Paty in our city or region. Gnokii just posted on th...
As announced previously, the openSUSE Board and its Strategy Team have worked on three strategic proposals to define the direction of openSUSE’s future, as a Project, Commu...
We wanted to give you an update regarding the status of our Strategy Team’s release of strategy proposals for public discussion. Truth is, despite our best intentions to r...
As in michl’s post announced a the openSUSE Board and some other community members met the past weekend in Nürnberg to have a comprehensive 2.5 days face to face meeting . ...
For the past few months we, the openSUSE Board, together with the great help from Kurt Garloff, Jan Weber and Andreas Jaeger, held a series of strategy sessions to address ...
Community, we previously put a lot of efforts into encouraging the community to contribute to our Wiki Usability Concept for both the English and the German Wiki, i.e. to ...
Participate in the openSUSE survey 2010 to give feedback to the openSUSE project about the distribution, the openSUSE tools environment and the project in general. Let us k...
At the end of this month Zonker, our openSUSE community manager for the last two years, will be leaving Novell. On behalf of the whole openSUSE community I would like to ta...
The openSUSE Art Team Meeting will take place on Saturday, the 30th of January, 2010 at 16:00 UTC in #opensuse-artwork IRC channel on This will be the fir...
The next openSUSE Project meeting will take place Wednesday, January 13, at 16:00 UTC. The meeting time in all time zones are listed on the Fixed Time World Clock. Project ...
Today Frank Karlitschek, maintainer of the network, announced that the first step of integration with is complete. Effective immediately, de...
The election committee announces the three new members of the openSUSE board: Bryen Yunashko (non-Novell seat) Pavol Rusnak (Novell seat) Ruper...
For the current 2009 election of the openSUSE board, we have three seats for election and three candidates running unopposed. As our existing election rules did not anticip...
As Thomas just announced on the project mailing list the election committee has decided to extend the period for announcing candidacy by one week to November 30. Same appli...
The time has come again for openSUSE Members to vote for new members to the Board. Stephen Shaw (decriptor) and Bryen Yunashko (suseROCKS) have completed their tenure on t...
english version below Wir möchten alle in und um Nürnberg dazu einladen openSUSE auf der “Langen Nacht der Wissenschaft” zu besuchen. Diese findet am Samstag 24. Otkober v...
Following its announcement in August, the dedicated openSUSE Boosters team held its inaugural meeting in Germany last week to plan its activities to promote the growth of o...
On Sunday the first openSUSE conference (osc09) finished in Nuernberg, Germany. Overall it was great success and brought people face to face together. Participants were mo...
Want to help spread the word about the openSUSE Project and encourage more people to become part of the openSUSE Community? Are you ready to roll up your sleeves and spread...
The openSUSE Project is pleased to announce the release of the openSUSE Trademark Guidelines (PDF). With the guidelines, the openSUSE Project is looking to clarify the use ...
The openSUSE Project and YaST team are happy to announce the winner of the YaST Mascot Contest. After extensive deliberation, the judges have chosen the Aardvark concept, s...
Yes, you too can have a beautiful openSUSE countdown button just like the one you see in this post. The banners have been updated, and as Pascal Bleser reports, we have ...
Because not everybody was aware of the contest and wondered a little bit about the reminder mail, we extended the deadline for the YaST mascot contest. The new deadline for...
Due to the unforeseen circumstances of last week the Board Election Committee have agreed that for fairness and transparency the Election deadline will be extended. The ne...
The openSUSE Project is looking for a few good leaders, and voters! As announced by AJ, the board founded the election committee for the first openSUSE board election. The ...
The openSUSE survey results are out now. The survey we made in July/August time frame attracted over 12,000 participants. Here is a short summary on changes compared to the...
Do you know openSUSE’s MirrorBrain? I have been working on it for over a year now. It is a mirror framework which is open source and can be used by anyone. The other day,...
Don’t miss to participate at this year’s openSUSE survey and tell us how you use openSUSE, what’s good or not so good about it or what you’d like to see in future releases...
We are about to establish a new openSUSE team - the Proofreading Team. This team wants to check new software strings before translator will start there work. If you are in...
We have some open student positions for the next few months to work on various aspects of the openSUSE infrastructure. If you’re interested, please apply at ...
Survey time again! After nearly a month of the openSUSE 11.0 release we want to know what you think about it, how you use it and about in general. As usual we ...
The presentations held at LinuxTag, Berlin during the openSUSE day are now available as video and partly as slides as well. Beside of Zonker’s part in the project presentat...
A year’s research on Novell and the openSUSE project is now published as a master’s thesis at the University of Oslo. “Managing Firm-Sponsored Open Source Communities” deta...
Attention openSUSE users and contributors! It’s time to exercise your vote and help the openSUSE team identify the bugs that need to be squashed prior to the openSUSE 11.0 ...
I’d like to give a warm welcome to Joe ‘Zonker’ Brockmeier who joins the openSUSE project as “openSUSE community manager”. You can reach him directly at zonker@opensuse.or...
We proudly announce This is the place to find official openSUSE gear: T-shirts, mugs, caps, bags and more are available. As many times requested by th...
We’d like to take this opportunity to wish all openSUSE users and contributors a very merry Christmas and an enjoyable holiday! Thank you all for the great work you’ve done...
281 contributors from the openSUSE community participated in a survey last month. The survey was part of a research project on the topic of firm-sponsored open source com...
The highlights of this week’s status mails, for your convenience as a news article! We are working on a new LiveCD with updated packages (beta version here). ...
The YaST survey has now been closed. More than 11,000 individuals participated in it. Thanks to everybody! A PDF of the results is now available.
It’s official: the openSUSE project Guiding Principles are now in force. The Guiding Principles are a framework for the project and give everyone a clear view of who we are...
IP Exchange, a major german Internet Service Provider, is sponsoring the openSUSE project with internet connectivity. They provide a mirror server in their location with...
The openSUSE release is not only available for free download but also as separate boxed product to buy from retail shops and internet shops. The box product contains two ...
A masters student from the University of Oslo (yours truly) is currently doing a research project on firm-sponsored open-source communities. openSUSE is the main case of st...
As part of the KDE 4 hack week, which the KDE desktop team and KDE people working for SUSE are doing this week, we will do an informal and spontaneous openSUSE KDE IRC meet...
As part of a Novell Open Audio series on openSUSE, they will be interviewing various openSUSE developers to find out more about the project, particular involvements and new...
We have just published a survey on YaST, our systems management and installation framework. If you use any of the distributions openSUSE, SUSE Linux, SUSE Linux Enterprise...
To strengthen the openSUSE project we’re looking for an enthusiastic Chief Evangelist to: promote and spread the adoption of openSUSE be a public face fo...
The GNOME team will hold its first public meeting this Thursday at noon EDT/18:00 CST/1600 GMT. In general we will follow the meeting guidelines outlined for the openSUSE ...
Weekly status reports from the different areas of the openSUSE project are now posted to the mailing lists and get linked on the IRC meeting wiki pages (current) - the bi-w...
It happened again. Another year passed (flew by). Happy Birthday openSUSE! Read on for a look back and some things to come. There are tons of things we achieved… In th...
Cornelius has posted the final draft of the openSUSE Guiding Principles to the opensuse-project mailing list. The openSUSE Guiding Principles are addressing the openSUSE c...
We have a new mailing list: opensuse-kernel (subscribe via This list is dedicated to the discussion of the openSUSE kernel development (Factory et al)...
Novell Open Audio in its current episode features a retrospection of Hack Week including development site visit reports, awarded and other selected projects including this ...
We are happy to announce our new website. This news portal will provide the latest openSUSE news. We will continue to send important announcements to the...
I’m glad to announce that I have given over my responsibilities for the openSUSE distribution to Stephan Kulow As from now on Stephan is project manager for ...
The openSUSE survey results are now online. The survey was live for almost 3 months and more than 27,000 user participated and gave us feeback how they use openSUSE what’s ...
We have a new mailing list opensuse-artwork. It’s meant for discussing issues related to the distribution styling and branding. Please read the general style guidelines bef...