Release Tomorrow, and More Good Signs ...

17. Dec 2008 | News Team | No License

Tomorrow is the big day! So some might wonder what exactly will happen … Basically we turn on the headless chicken mode and waiting that our servers will melt away :-)

Not this time! (tm). The plan is to release openSUSE 11.1 at 14:00 CET (13:00 GMT) . We added 3 quadcore servers to the wiki farm and Peter tweaked the configuration. Anyway, even with the new servers you should not go to the wiki to download it or wait for the announcement.

If you want to download openSUSE 11.1 tomorrow, use //

Why? The server can handle the load quite well as we saw in the last release, and if you download it in the first 30 hours from software.o.o you should get an akamai mirror which is really fast. If this is not working, which I doubt, please read the article Peter wrote on lizards.o.o.

And after the release? Install it, tell friends about it! Blog, digg it, whatever you can do to make this the most awesome release ever!

Don’t forget the release parties; if there is not one in your area, I will try to stream some videos from ours. I try, because I’m quite sick and I’m not even sure if I can attend our party :-(

There is also a facebook event; if you attend a party, or make your own private one alone, post some pictures or videos.

So what is the other good sign? Some people already have the box, thanks Salid for the picture!


This is done through the mobbles radar, which, parents should know, is a completely optional way of catching mobbles

Categories: Distribution


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