Again here are the download numbers, from If you don’t know, in the first 30 hours after the release we are redirecting the traffic to akamai instead...
The first version of the openSUSE-Education Add-on is drawing to a close. By releasing the final version for SUSE Linux Enterprise 10 and the first Release Candidate for 11...
Issue #51 of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! In this week’s issue: openSUSE 11.1 out Lee Matheson: NEWBIES - Suse-11.1 Pre-installation Joe B...
openSUSE 11.1 continues a long history of shipping a well-polished KDE. This release includes not just one, but two choices of KDE. You can choose from the leading edge of ...
The openSUSE Project is proud to announce the release of openSUSE 11.1. The openSUSE 11.1 release includes more than 230 new features, improvements to YaST, major updates t...
Tomorrow is the big day! So some might wonder what exactly will happen … Basically we turn on the headless chicken mode and waiting that our servers will melt away :-) Not...
It’s alive! In an effort to bring another joy of contributing to the openSUSE distribution a new team, process and package repository just recently saw the light of day: op...
In our continuing series of Sneak Peeks at openSUSE 11.1, we’re introducing the newest version of the GNOME desktop into openSUSE. openSUSE 11.1 will contain the latest ver...
We have it! :-)
Issue #50 of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! In this week’s issue: Pre-order openSUSE 11.1 Wanted: Tester from SUSE Studio Password Protect f...
On Saturday, 13th December, the SSL certificate used by iChain for secure login to * sites (like openSUSE Forums, Build Service, Wiki and others) has expired. ...
Welcome to the first in a series of Sneak Peeks at openSUSE 11.1! With less than a week to go until the release of openSUSE 11.1,we’ll be talking about the great new innova...
[](// Just a reminder, we will have a par...
Some parts of the openSUSE Project’s infrastructure will be down briefly for maintenance tomorrow, December 11th, starting at 10:00 UTC (11:00 CET / 05:00 EST). This should...
openSUSE 11.1 is gold, and available for pre-order! The release date is still the 18th of December, just in time to have some fun over the holidays … So what do you get fo...
Issue #49 of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! In this week’s issue: Andreas Jaeger: openSUSE 11.1 Goes RC2 Joe Brockmeier: Mounting remote directories u...
Here are the first results of the great last Meeting of the openSUSE-Education Team two weeks ago… We are proud to announce the first openSUSE Live-CD containing applicati...
Issue #48 of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! In this week’s issue: Development Release: openSUSE 11.1 RC 1 Now Available Joe Brockmeier: YaST Mascot Wi...
The openSUSE Project is happy to announce that openSUSE 11.1 RC 1 is now available. If all goes well, this will be the last testing release before the final 11.1 public rel...
Issue #47 of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! In this week’s issue: openSUSE 11.1 Beta 5.1 for PowerPC Released Fresh Factory Live-CDs People ...
The openSUSE Project and YaST team are happy to announce the winner of the YaST Mascot Contest. After extensive deliberation, the judges have chosen the Aardvark concept, s...
Continuing the last ‘People of openSUSE’’ interviews with people involved in the openSUSE Board Elections Committee, today we introduce you another member - Vincent Untz. V...
Issue #46 of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! In this week’s issue: openSUSE 11.1 Beta 5 Released Updated Build Service Roadmap KDE’s Composit...
The Beta5 DVD and NET ISO images for PowerPC have just been replaced by Beta5.1 ISO images. The only change is the way the ISOs are created - now they are bootable media. ...
Aaron Bockover has announced that the 1.4 release of Banshee is now available. The new release includes support for Android G1, better device support, a new track editor, t...
Greetings, openSUSE fans! We have another development release ready for your testing pleasure. openSUSE 11.1 beta 5 is now available for immediate download and testing. Yo...
This week on ‘People of openSUSE’ we have interviewed openSUSE Election Committee member, Senior Linux Trainer and VMware Trainer Claes Backstrom. Besides all these titles ...
Issue #45 of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! In this week’s issue: Lukas Ocilka: YaST-Mascot Contest-How to submit your ideas openSUSE News: OpenOffice...
Yes, you too can have a beautiful openSUSE countdown button just like the one you see in this post. The banners have been updated, and as Pascal Bleser reports, we have ...
Good news, everybody! One of the most annoying bugs from openSUSE 11.1 beta 4 has a fix. A problem starting was found too late to fix for the beta, but we do...
We will have tomorrow an extensive feature testing of openSUSE 11.1 beta4. If you want to join, and we would really appreciate it if we get some help on this, please join u...
Hot on the heels of openSUSE 11.1 beta 3, the openSUSE Project is happy to announce the availability of openSUSE 11.1 beta 4. This release includes a number of important b...
Issue #44 of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! In this week’s issue: Less than 50 days to openSUSE 11.1 Results of the 1st openSUSE Board Election ...
After work on the remaining show-stopper bugs we found this week, we have solved the blocker bugs, but were unable to generate all the necessary media and have it propagate...
Just a quick note. The 11.1 release is slipping by at least one day due to a few major problems with the DVDs found during testing. Specifically: The network is b...
So the polls are closed now and all votes have been accounted for and confirmed valid, and we are now proud to announce the election results! The openSUSE project would lik...
Issue #43 of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! In this week’s issue: openSUSE Build Service Webclient Survey Started Development Release: openSUSE 11.1 B...
The openSUSE Project is proud to announce the availability of beta 3 of the 11.1 release. It’s a few days late, but much better for the delay. Beta 3 is now available for i...
Because not everybody was aware of the contest and wondered a little bit about the reminder mail, we extended the deadline for the YaST mascot contest. The new deadline for...
A quick status update on openSUSE 11.1 beta 3. The DVD installation ISOs were not complete by Friday night, and only the x86 live CDs have built correctly – the x86_64 imag...
Issue #42 of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! In this week’s issue: Power Outage of most openSUSE servers Retiring from the openSUSE Board Sta...
After a long summer holiday season ‘People of openSUSE’ is back! This week we caught up one of the many people responsible for the success of the openSUSE project maintain...
Today we started an openSUSE Build Service Webclient online survey. We want to get more informations about the openSUSE Build Service Webclient users, the used hard and sof...
openSUSE 11.1 beta 3 will be delayed by several days. We originally scheduled the release for today (October 16) but the power outage last Friday left us unable to check in...
Due to the unforeseen circumstances of last week the Board Election Committee have agreed that for fairness and transparency the Election deadline will be extended. The ne...
The patches we did for the Intel e1000e network card for Beta2 protect the chip so that the NVRAM could not get corrupted anymore and we indeed did not receive any new bug ...
After very careful deliberation, we’ve chosen the winners from Hack Week III. The categories were: Best Cross-Pollination Team, First Penguin Awards, and the Best Overall P...
Our admins and developers - in Nuernberg, Provo and from home offices - worked hard today to get all openSUSE services up and running again. Thanks a lot to all of them! ...
Just a quick note: We have a power outage in the part of the city of Nürnberg where the Novell office and the main server room is. This means that many of our servers are ...
The openSUSE Project is going to have a presence at the Indiana Linuxfest and Ohio Linuxfests this weekend. Friday, the Indiana Linuxfest is taking place in Bloomington, I...
Issue #41 ofopenSUSE Weekly News is now out! In this week’s issue: Advance notice of discontinuation of openSUSE 10.2 openSUSE-Education 1.0 for 11.0 is...
The first beta release for 11.1 was so popular, we’ve decided to do it again! The openSUSE Project is happy to announce the release of openSUSE 11.1 beta 2, available for i...
This is an update on the status of the e1000e issue. Our openSUSE 11.1 Beta 1 release contained a bug that would cause the non-volatile memory (NVM) of the e1000e controlle...
The openSUSE-Education Add On for openSUSE 11.0 is ready! Big steps compared to the 10.3 release: Better LTSP integration: now Easy-LTSP helps you to configure you...
Issue #40 of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! In this week’s issue: openSUSE 11.1 Beta 1 Now Available Serious e1000e Driver Issue in SLE 11 Beta 1 and ...
The openSUSE Factory distribution is our permanent moving target, this is the place where all Alpha and Beta versions are mastered from. We are currently in the process of ...
We have an important announcement regarding openSUSE 11.1 beta 1 and SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 beta 1: The Intel e1000e driver on openSUSE 11.1 Beta 1 and SUSE Linux Enterp...
The openSUSE 11.1 beta 1 release marks a significant change for openSUSE. For the first time in 11 years, a SUSE release was not built in the SUSE internal AutoBuild servi...
The openSUSE Project is happy to announce the first beta release of openSUSE 11.1. openSUSE 11.1 includes quite a few improvements and new features over the 11.0 release, i...
Issue #39 of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! In this week’s issue: Board election OpenOffice_org 3.0rc1 available Call for SUSE Linux Enterpr...
The openSUSE Project is looking for a few good leaders, and voters! As announced by AJ, the board founded the election committee for the first openSUSE board election. The ...
In the “old days” SuSE had a closed list of beta testers that would help with SuSE Linux testing and try to help SuSE ensure the best possible Linux distribution. Many beta...
Issue #38 of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! In this week’s issue: Last Call for openSUSE Board Candidates openSUSE KDE Bug Squashing Days (20-21 Septe...
The openSUSE KDE team wants to dedicate some time on KDE bugs before openSUSE 11.1 gets released, focusing on reported KDE bugs on inviting the commun...
The openSUSE survey results are out now. The survey we made in July/August time frame attracted over 12,000 participants. Here is a short summary on changes compared to the...
It is nearly done… As announced on our roadmap, I’m happy to announce the first release candidate for our openSUSE-Education add on for openSUSE 11.0! We’ve produced an Ad...
The openSUSE Project is looking for a few good leaders, and voters! As already announced by AJ, the board founded the election committee for the first openSUSE board electi...
After receiving a great deal of feedback on the issue of KDE 3.5 inclusion in openSUSE 11.1, the KDE team has decided to take the following course of action. KDE 3...
Issue #37 of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! In this week’s issue: Hack Week III Judging Novell OpenPR Blog: Zonker Blogs Board election ...
Do you know openSUSE’s MirrorBrain? I have been working on it for over a year now. It is a mirror framework which is open source and can be used by anyone. The other day,...
Issue #36 of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! In this week’s issue: Hack Week III openSUSE Election Committee Founded openSUSE at Utah Open So...
See the openSUSE Project at the Utah Open Source Conference this week! The Utah Open Source Conference is going on August 28 through August 30 at the Salt Lake Community C...
We now have founded an openSUSE Election Committee consisting of: Claes Backstrom (Community) Andrew Wafaa (Community) Marko Jung (Novell) ...
Issue #35 of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! In this week’s issue: openSUSE 11.1 Alpha2 is available Hack Week III is almost here! openSUSE...
Hack Week III is almost upon us! Novell is once again sponsoring Hack Week, from August 25th through August 29th, and we want the openSUSE community to be in on it! What’s...
Don’t miss to participate at this year’s openSUSE survey and tell us how you use openSUSE, what’s good or not so good about it or what you’d like to see in future releases...
We have exciting news for security enthusiasts, experts, and paranoid people! Beginning with openSUSE 11.1, SUSE users will have an additional option regarding security fr...
Join the openSUSE Project this weekend, Saturday August 23, and Sunday August 24, at third annual FrOSCon. FrOSCon is a two day conference on Free Software and Open Source,...
Issue #34 of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! In this week’s issue: Announcing ENOS 2008 Join the openSUSE Proofreading Team Announcing Hack...
The acronym ENOS stands for ‘Encontro Nacional de openSUSE’, a Portuguese expression which can be translated to ‘National openSUSE Meeting’, an event meant to unite the P...
Another show is over, it was a good one with some annoying stuff … But first the good stuff: We gave away a lot of openSUSE PromoDVDs, so much that we ran out quite soon. B...
We are about to establish a new openSUSE team - the Proofreading Team. This team wants to check new software strings before translator will start there work. If you are in...
The YaST teams met in Nürnberg recently in the SUSE offices to work on several projects. The team had a number of ideas and projects to tackle, but had to prioritize and t...
Novell is once again sponsoring Hack Week – and we want you to be in on it! Hack Week III (HW3) runs from August 25th through August 29th. What’s Hack Week? Hack Week is a...
We have some open student positions for the next few months to work on various aspects of the openSUSE infrastructure. If you’re interested, please apply at ...
Issue #33 of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! In this week’s issue: KDE 4.1 Released With openSUSE Packages and Live CD Help Create the Artwork for op...
Join the openSUSE Project for a day of fun and FOSS at the LinuxWorld Expo! On Wednesday, August 6th, the openSUSE Project will be holding its first “openSUSE Day” in North...
Now with openSUSE 11.0 out the door, and Alpha 1 of openSUSE 11.1 just released, it’s time to start thinking about the look of openSUSE 11.1! Once again this year the Pixel...
The KDE team today released KDE 4.1. The KDE developers, including the openSUSE KDE Team, have been working on it for the last six months. Lots of feedback from people tryi...
Issue #32 of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! In this week’s issue: openSUSE 11.0 Survey openSUSE 11.0 PromoDVD openSUSE 11.1 Alpha1 is Avai...
Again we have some nice, new and shiny PromoDVDs, now with openSUSE 11.0. The main goal is to spread them. Some examples: you organize or take part of an event you wa...
We are standardizing now on the definitions given at // The severity definitions are now the same as in most other open source projects, so...
The kernel team is going to be hosting a kernel bug squashing day on Wednesday, July 30th. The goals of the bug squashing day are to: Reduce the number of kernel b...
Exactly one year ago the openSUSE News site went live to provide users with the latest news and an event calendar. 19 authors posting under their own names and some one-tim...
Former webservers administrator and presales consultant at S.u.S.E. he is currently working as a technical writer contributing to the openSUSE documentation and openSUSE we...
Survey time again! After nearly a month of the openSUSE 11.0 release we want to know what you think about it, how you use it and about in general. As usual we ...
Issue #31 of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! In this week’s issue: Next Helping Hands Event Hubert Mantel: openS...
Bryen Yunashko, a openSUSE member, is a recent acquisition to the openSUSE project who is involved in the openSUSE-GNOME and Marketing teams, coordinating the Helping Hands...
Issue #30 of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! In this week’s issue: openSUSE Build Service 1.0 Released Announcing openSUSE Day at LinuxWorld Expo ...
The openSUSE Project is proud to announce the 1.0 release of the openSUSE Build Service. The 1.0 release provides all the features necessary to support building openSUSE in...
For those who have been waiting for a ‘People of openSUSE’ interview with our openSUSE Community Manager and long time Linux and open source journalist Joe ‘Zonker’ Brockme...
Issue #29 of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! In this week’s issue: openSUSE 11.1 Roadmap Novell Client for Linux Public Beta for openSUSE 10.3 ...
With openSUSE 11.0 out the door, it’s time to start thinking about openSUSE 11.1. The public release of openSUSE 11.1 is scheduled for December 18, 2008, six months after t...
We’re pleased to announce the public beta of the Novell Client for openSUSE 10.3. Novell released the packages for the Novell Client for Linux 2.0 SP1 public beta today. A...
Weekly News writer and openSUSE member Jan-Simon Möller accepted ‘People of openSUSE’ interview request and shared with us some information about himself. Jan is also the m...
Issue #28 of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! In this week’s issue: GNOME Helping Hands Project Launches People of openSUSE: Tanja Roth Masi...
Now that openSUSE 11.0 is out the door, the YaST team is looking to get together and improve YaST even more. Next week the YaST team will be meeting in Nuremberg, Monday t...
Let me share some numbers for the openSUSE 11.0 release. Do you remember the 10.3 release? Again we used akamai for distribution of the images. Again for 30 hours, and yes,...
How important is documentation to you and people around you? Certainly it is a lot! Then good news because openSUSE has a team focused on manuals for the SUSE Linux/openSUS...
The openSUSE Project is proud to announce the release of openSUSE 11.0 – everything you need to get started with Linux on the desktop and on the server. Promoting the use o...
In this final Sneak Peeks article we will be taking a look at some of the other improvements making their way into openSUSE 11.0. Firefox 3.0 openSUSE features the new ...
Just a few hours before openSUSE 11.0 is officially released! Here we’ll take a look at GNOME in openSUSE 11.0, and talk to Vincent Untz, openSUSE developer and a member of...
Good things come to those who wait: I think we’ve waited long enough to release the first openSUSE-Education version for openSUSE 10.3. Just use the YaST2 “Add-On Product”...
Issue #27 of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! In this week’s issue: HOT! Upcoming o p e n S U S E 1 1 . 0 People of openSUSE: Rupert Horstkötter ...
With openSUSE 11.0 just a few days away, it’s time to look at one of the stars of the show: KDE. In openSUSE 11.0, you get two KDEs for the price of one. Here we’ll take a ...
This week the openSUSE Project announced the launch of, a merger of the three largest openSUSE forums. Continuing the openSUSE Forums euphoria we presen...
Issue #26 of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! In this week’s issue: openSUSE Launches Merged Forums Announcing the openSUSE Marketing Team P...
The presentations held at LinuxTag, Berlin during the openSUSE day are now available as video and partly as slides as well. Beside of Zonker’s part in the project presentat...
The openSUSE Project has released the first release candidate of the openSUSE Build Service 1.0. With the release candidate, all the features are now in place to support ex...
The Banshee team has released version 1.0! This release will be found in openSUSE 11.0, and includes tons of new features and improvements over the previous Banshee release...
The openSUSE Project is proud to announce the launch of, a merger of the openSUSE Novell support forums,, and - the t...
There have been several changes with the Compiz setup in openSUSE 11.0, including both exciting and new features in Compiz Fusion, and extra developments behind-the-scenes ...
Before openSUSE 11.0 GM get released next Thursday, we have the chance to meet Cornelius Schumacher - member of the incubation team, former Build Service developer, KDE vic...
In this article we will be covering all of the changes in and around the package management stack in the upcoming openSUSE 11.0. There have been a plethora of both visual a...
I’m glad to announce the beginning of the Sneak Peaks at openSUSE 11.0 series! Over the next few weeks we will be taking a look at all of the exciting changes and improveme...
Issue #25 of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! In this week’s issue: People of openSUSE: Matthias Fehring Interview: KDevelop and the openSUSE Build Se...
Building packages for multiple distros can be a major pain – which is why we provide the openSUSE Build Service. One of the Build Service’s many features is the ability to ...
‘People of openSUSE’ caught up the man behind the great effort done on the German openSUSE wiki - Matthias Fehring. He is one of the system operatores of the de.opensuse.o...
The openSUSE Project is proud to announce the openSUSE 11.0 Release Candidate 1 (RC1). The good news is that we’re closing in on the final release of 11.0, but it’s not tim...
Second day on the Linuxtag, i tried to post yesterday but the Network was not working that good. Anyway, we are in Berlin! On the first pic you see the car i have, the...
Well, for me and some other openSUSE guys it’s T-1, we going tomorrow to set up the booth. (actually the picture is from last year .. :-)). So why should you come to Ber...
A year’s research on Novell and the openSUSE project is now published as a master’s thesis at the University of Oslo. “Managing Firm-Sponsored Open Source Communities” deta...
Long time openSUSE developer Klaus Kämpf joined former S.u.S.E nine years ago and since then never looked back being committed to his System Management Architect job at No...
Issue #23 of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! In this week’s issue: Announcing openSUSE 11.0 Beta 3 People of openSUSE: Wolfgang Koller Stat...
A quick reminder, we have an openSUSE Project Meeting coming up on Wednesday, May 21, at 16:00 UTC, to discuss the latest developments in openSUSE. For a listing of this w...
Attention openSUSE users and contributors! It’s time to exercise your vote and help the openSUSE team identify the bugs that need to be squashed prior to the openSUSE 11.0 ...
The openSUSE team is proud to announce the last Beta release of openSUSE 11.0! Over 700 bugs has been fixed since Beta 2. This means we’re on the home stretch for openSUSE ...
While some are preparing their fly to Austria to attend EURO 2008, ‘People of openSUSE’ already flew but rather to meet Wolfgang Koller - founder of SuSELinuxSupport commun...
Issue #22 of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! In this week’s issue: Linuxtag 2008 - latest information People of openSUSE: Marcus Hüwe Upcom...
The Novell/SUSE development offices in Prague, Czech Republic have on the 15th an event called “otevreneSUSE” which means “openSUSE” in Czech. This event is for local peop...
Despite being a openSUSE member and a platinum member of the PackMan team packaging several widely-used applications he also helps the Build Service team with osc code cont...
Please don’t forget the biggest Linux event in Germany, just a few weeks away! For the second time it will be in Berlin, from 28-31.05.2008. The location is slightly differ...
Issue #21 of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! In this week’s issue: openSUSE 11.0 Beta 2 People of openSUSE: Greg Kroah-Hartman Jigish Gohil...
Today we are officially launching a new website:! This site offers blog hosting for openSUSE members. The blogs should be focused on the openSUSE proj...
In order to optimize the YaST partitioner module for openSUSE users the user experience team decided to conduct a small survey to figure out how you deal with hard disk con...
This weekend ‘People of openSUSE’ brings to light long time Kernel hacker and Novell employee Greg Kroah-Hartman interview. Greg KH today’s working full time on Linux Drive...
The openSUSE team is proud to announce the second Beta release of openSUSE 11.0! New changes include countless bug fixes, as well as the import of the new openSUSE 11.0 art...
Issue #20 of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! In this week’s issue: openSUSE Google Summer of Code projects announced People of openSUSE: Michael Löff...
Hello avid gamers and game developers! We decided to restructure and cleanup the games projects in the openSUSE Build Service. Before the change we had 8 projects for e...
Michal Vyskocil has requested a new mailing list around Java topics. You can subscribe to it or browse the newly created archive. This nicely fits our other Java changes, w...
As SUSE Linux 10.0 has reached its end of life in November last year, the Packman team will be removing all SUSE Linux 10.0 packages from its repository end of this week. I...
Thanks to the Switzerland Novell colleagues openSUSE is again on the biggest computer event in Switzerland. I will be there on a openSUSE demopoint at the Novell booth, sho...
This week ‘People of openSUSE’ scope out openSUSE Product Manager Michael Löffler known for his great work in helping setting up the openSUSE Project, bridge between Novell...
Google have announced the openSUSE projects and students taking part in this year’s Google Summer of Code. The projects include: LTSP GUI Management for openSUSE b...
Issue #19 of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! In this week’s issue: OpenOffice_org 2.4 available 11.0 feature by feature: All you ever wanted to know!...
The openSUSE Project is going Bug Smashing on April 25, and we want you to join us! We’re looking for openSUSE users and contributors who have some time to help triage YaST...
The openSUSE team is proud to announce the first Beta release of openSUSE 11.0! There are many exciting enhancements and features in the new release. Among these is the inc...
Issue #18 of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! In this week’s issue: openSUSE Project Releases Major Update to openSUSE Build Service Counting down to ...
You can help spread the word for openSUSE 11.0 before it’s released! The openSUSE project now has countdown banners that display the number of days before the next openSUS...
The openSUSE team is proud to announce another major release of the openSUSE Build Service (OBS). This release brings a new level to OBS scalability by adding the ability f...
Hey ho, we have a few new mailing lists available. To discuss openSUSE usage on the different virtualization products like Qemu/KVM, XEN or VirtualBox subscribe to opensus...
Issue 17 of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! In this week’s issue: openSUSE-Education 1.0 RC2 for openSUSE 10.3 is Ready Tips and Tricks: Quick host-t...
With RC2 for openSUSE 10.3 the openSUSE-Education project starts the last testing phase before we release the final version of openSUSE-Education 1.0 for openSUSE 10.3. A...
Independently of how many new application features and fixes a distribution release, doesn’t matter much if the distribution doesn’t look great, and users know it for sure!...
Issue 16 of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! In this week’s issue: SoC application deadline extended People of openSUSE: Marco Michna openSU...
This week we meet #openSUSE IRC supporter, and openSUSE Quality Assurance team member Marco ‘daemon’ Michna in one more ‘People of openSUSE’ interview! !...
The openSUSE Project is looking for students who are interested in contributing to the project via the Google Summer of Code. The application deadline for students is Monda...
Issue 15 of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! In this week’s issue: openSUSE 11.0 Alpha 3 is Out SoC Student Application Period Open Brainsha...
Today’s ‘People of openSUSE’ interviews Masim ‘Vavai’ Sugianto - founder of the Indonesian openSUSE community helping users, and spreading out openSUSE to be widely used in...
After four regular weeks and one hack week after Alpha 2, we are very happy to announce openSUSE 11.0 Alpha 3. See more screenshots on the Screenshots/openSUSE_11.0_Al...
Issue 14 of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! In this week’s issue: Videos and Slides from FOSDEM 2008 openSUSE to Participate in Google Summer of Code...
Zonker wrote the following: I'm happy to announce that the openSUSE Project has been accepted to Google’s Summer of Code 2008! Now the real fun begins! We’re now in the “...
The videos and slides of the openSUSE presentations at FOSDEM are now online, and available at the FOSDEM2008 wiki page. They are also available on Google video (lower qua...
Ever had problems finding a package for your favorite application for your favorite distro? Are you an application developer or project contributor, and want to learn how t...
This week we feature Timo Hönig, openSUSE Mobile Device team member, mainly working on D-Bus, IAL, and KNetworkManager.  I will for sure forget som...
Continuing the ‘People of openSUSE’ series, this time we have the pleasure to meet openSUSE Member Rossana Motta, well-know among SuSELinuxSupport forum users. ...
Issue ten of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! In this week’s issue: A look at SUSE Hack Week Innovations FOSDEM 2008 - This Weekend! In Tips...
This weekend (23-24.02) the openSUSE folks will again go to Brussels to one of the most important developer events in Europe: FOSDEM. For all openSUSE users we will again ...
GNOME and full time developer Michael Meeks was invited by ‘People of openSUSE’ to an interview, and here are his answers! Just in case, if you will be in F...
Issue nine of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! You can read it in English or German. In this week’s issue: openSUSE 11.0 Alpha 2 is out openSUSE Membe...
We had last June our first Hackweek and have this week (from 11th to 15th) our second hackweek. Some of us do use the website for collecting ideas but n...
Only three weeks after Alpha1, we’re glad to announce the release of openSUSE 11.0 Alpha 2. There are various exciting changes in there that we would like to have feedback ...
It’s community week, and as so ‘People of openSUSE’ interviewed the most popular openSUSE IRC helper around there, Jake Rogers! He is also the author of, ...
Issue eight of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! In this week’s issue: KDE News: KDE 4.0.1, openSUSE Live CD, New KDE Repo Layout openSUSE Welcomes Zon...
Just in time for the KDE 4.0.1 release, the openSUSE KDE team has updated the KDE 4 packages in the Build Service to the KDE 4.0.1 state, featuring several improvements o...
I’d like to give a warm welcome to Joe ‘Zonker’ Brockmeier who joins the openSUSE project as “openSUSE community manager”. You can reach him directly at zonker@opensuse.or...
Last week we had a small problem at which unsubscribed a couple of mailing list members by accident. We’re really sorry about this and hope that everybod...
The seventh issue of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! In this week’s issue: openSUSE Build Service Expands Support to Red Hat and CentOS Sax2 ported t...
Mostly known for his work on openSUSE for packaging Mozilla applications and for testing the distribution, we present you the community contributor Wolfgang Rosenauer. ...
The openSUSE Build Service, an innovative framework that provides an infrastructure for software developers to easily create and compile packages for multiple Linux distrib...
The sixth issue of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! In this week’s issue: openSUSE 11.0 Alpha 1 Released Federico unveils the latest community member ...
Today’s People of openSUSE features a female YaST developer and the maintainer of ncurses user interface library - Katarina Machalkova! ![katarina_machal...
With the new year beginning we kick start major development into the next version of openSUSE: openSUSE 11.0 (roadmap). A very early alpha version, Alpha 1, is now availabl...
The fifth issue of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! In this week’s issue: KDE 4.0 Released with openSUSE Packages and openSUSE-based live CD openSUSE ...
The KDE Community has announced the immediate availability of KDE 4.0.0. This significant release marks both the end of the long and intensive development cycle leading up ...
openSUSE Education founder James Tremblay was caught up by ‘People of openSUSE’ to an interesting interview. ![james_tremblay.jpg](//
We proudly announce This is the place to find official openSUSE gear: T-shirts, mugs, caps, bags and more are available. As many times requested by th...
The fourth issue of openSUSE Weekly News is now out! The issue covers events during the Christmas holidays. In this week’s issue: A look at openSUSE’s accomplis...
Here you have an interview with Lukáš Ocilka, a Czech YaST developer maintaining many YaST components such as Installation, Firewall, and Backup. ![lukas...