Update on openSUSE + LibreOffice Conference
3. Apr 2020 | Douglas DeMaio | No License

Organizers of the openSUSE + LibreOffice Conference had a meeting this week to discuss various topics surrounding COVID19 and how it may affect the conference and planning for it.
At this point, it is uncertain what restrictions governments may keep in place in the coming months. While October is some months away, there are many aspects we are considering as to how to run the openSUSE + LibreOffice Conference.
Travel restrictions, flights, hotel and venue availability, event capacity and our community members’ ability to attend the conference are all factors we are considering. We hope to make a decision about the conference at the latest by mid-June.
In these difficult times, we want to assure our communities that we are actively engaged in a good outcome for all members, sponsors and interested parties involved with a successful openSUSE + LibreOffice Conference. We are looking at alternatives for the conference like possibly doing a virtual conference and exploring what tools might help us to achieve this should we decide it’s a viable option.
Please remember that the Call for Papers is open and people can submit their talks until July 21 at events.opensuse.org. We are moving forward, assuming the conference will take place as planned from Oct. 13 - 16 and will keep our communities informed of any decisions we make regarding the plans for the conference and any alternatives options like a virtual conference. Stay safe, healthy and strong during these hard times and we hope to see all of you later this year; celebrating together our anniversary under much better circumstances!
Categories: Announcements Conference Events Weekly News
Tags: conference libreoffice update opensuse