Software Freedom Day is Coming!
30. Aug 2010 | Jos Poortvliet | No License
On September 18, it is international Software Freedom Day. Software Freedom Day aims to celebrate Free Software and the people behind it. It wants to spread the word about Free Software and help people find each other.
We, the openSUSE community, of course need to be part of this! So this is a call to you all: mark september 18 in your agenda. Check the Software Freedom Day website and find the meeting in your neighboorhood.
If there is none, how about setting one up? Go to the Start Guide and get to work. You can organize your own event!
Of course, openSUSE will help you. If you plan to go to an event or organize one, get in contact with us at ! If you mail us your information we can send you a package with openSUSE Promo DVD’s, a poster and some stickers so you can be an ambassador for openSUSE at your local event.
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