Beta Test Leap with Pizza, Friends
1. Mar 2022 | Douglas DeMaio | CC-BY-SA-3.0

The release manager for openSUSE Leap Luboš Kocman is expected to announce the Beta release phase of Leap 15.4 this week, according to the roadmap. That means the openSUSE Community can download, install and test the release.
Leap’s Beta phase has rolling updates until it’s official release, which will then transition the release to a maintenance phase.
To celebrate this Beta phase, why not have a Pizza Party and test the openSUSE Leap 15.4 Beta.
If there’s no party near you, organize your own; just add it to the wiki page and invite others from your local community to join you in testing openSUSE Leap. Get some pizza delivered to your home or office and bring friends and colleagues together. A new openSUSE user may show up! If you are unsure of how to do it, read this.
Download the Beta…
The Leap 15.4 Beta is available on Pick an image fitting your purposes. Install it on a VM, virtualbox or on your hardware.
Testing and helping out!
Report or help fix any problems you encounter. The focus of a Beta Pizza Party is about building a local openSUSE community and testing Leap 15.4 Betas. This means installing it and submitting bug reports.
During the beta, testers are encouraged to record their testing on the Beta testing worksheet. Find out how to report bugs on the openSUSE wiki.
Discussions about openSUSE development takes place on the openSUSE Factory mailing list. If you want to help out, please see the wiki page on contributing to Factory. Contributing is easy and welcomed!
Architectures available for testing include x86_64, aarch64, PowerPC and s390. People interested in armv7 and other architectures should read the announcement about openSUSE Step.
Those interested in beta testing images for openSUSE Leap 15.4 Windows Subsystem for Linux can contact the Leap release manager Kocman or email the factory mailing list.
Leap beta testers have an option to receive a gift of gratitude, so make sure to fill in all the proper information and bug reports to get one. Then send an email to ddemaio (at) with your address. Please make the subject title “Leap beta testings”.
Have a lot of fun!
Categories: Announcements openSUSE Leap
Tags: openSUSE Leap Developers sysadmin user Open Source Community Test Pizza