Project to have Workshop for Mentorship Application

9. Jan 2024 | Douglas DeMaio | CC-BY-SA-3.0

Project to have Workshop for Mentorship Application

The openSUSE Project will have a workshop on Jan. 16 at 15:30 UTC on that will focus on this year’s Google Summer of Code application and mentorship efforts.

The openSUSE Project has a long tradition of participating in GSoC and community members that want to participate as a mentor should attend or update their project they want listed on by opening up an issue on openSUSE’s GitHub Mentoring project.

The workshop will follow the openSUSE community meeting to determine the amount of projects can be listed for this year’s application, which is open between Jan. 22 and Feb 6.

The workshop will give mentors and people who would like to get involved with mentoring enough time to describe several project ideas before the administrators submit the GSoC application.

Participants are encouraged to create an outline of some project ideas before the workshop on the event’s etherpad.

Mentors and administrators who participated in previous Google Summer of Code programs will attend the workshop.

(Image made with DALL-E)

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