Community Plans for Summit in Berlin
26. Feb 2024 | Douglas DeMaio | CC-BY-SA-3.0

The community is headed to Berlin on June 19 for a Community Summit in association with SUSE’s premier annual global technical conference SUSECON.
Registration for the event is open and the Call for Papers is open until May 29. Partners of SUSE, openSUSE, open source community projects and community members that want to participate are encouraged to register for the summit and submit a talk.
The schedule for the Community Summit will be released on May 30.
There is a Community track and an open source track. There are two types of talks that can be submitted for the summit. One is a short talk with a 15-minute limit and the other is a standard talk with a 30-minute limit.
Attendees of SUSECON are also welcome to attend and submit talks. The Community Summit is a free community event that will take place on the last day of SUSECON.
The summit will take place a week before the openSUSE Conference in Nuremberg, so attendees of SUSECON should consider staying for the openSUSE Project’s annual conference and submit a technical talk. For small- and medium-sized enterprises, there will be a 4-hour Open 4 Business networking event held on June 26 next to SUSE’s offices in Nuremberg.
Contact ddemaio (@) if you have any questions concerning the summit.