openfate – New Features

29. Jan 2009 | News Team | No License


[29.01.2009 16:51] <digitltom> updated including vote system :-)

Wow, that was fast. openfate already had a lot of features to make feature tracking easier and the new version got a lot of improvements!

Let me point out some major new features i like and which are quite visible:

  • No login required anymore if you just want to look. Even most have a login, sometimes i really just want to look at it, for example someone posted a feature link … way faster now! And you can login on the fly: you browse, are not logged in, want to edit it, just login and it will take you back to the page.

  • The save button is better visible … I guess i was not the only one who lost a feature or comment because it was to well hidden. Now it jumps to the save button after you edit your comment, no chance to miss it.

  • One feature many people wanted is voting. Yes, it’s included and help a lot to see what the users want and where to put more energy in. On the dashboard you can see the top 5 features now. Don’t wonder if it’s not showing a change after you voted, it has a 5 minute delay, the features itself shows the right count instantly.

  • votingCheck also the “Toggle Statistics” link in the voting window. Happy voting!

  • Features can be tagged now, and of course there is a nice tag cloud on the dashboard

You can look at the full changelog for other changes. Thanks to the openfate team for including the new features quite short after the initial release!

Categories: Infrastructure


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