Community aims to grow communication, marketing team
15. Jun 2022 | Douglas DeMaio | CC-BY-SA-3.0

The openSUSE community has been having community meetings on a regular basis for some time and attendees in the latest meeting have expressed a desire to grow the communications and marketing team.
The project has a Telegram marketing group and a #marketing channel on discord.
Gaining people interested in helping with marketing, communications and planning comes at a time where several Work Groups are focused on the formation of an Adaptable Linux Platform, which has yet to formalize (or change) the name for the community platform.
There are some immediate aspects that can be addressed by the team like a thorough review of the bare necessities of the communications and marketing effort plans from previous years and how these can be adjusted or improved.
The Thursday community meeting plans to have a regular marketing segment as part of the weekly update. People interested in joining the group should reach out to @profetik777 on the Telegram marketing group.
Categories: Announcements openSUSE Leap
Tags: openSUSE Developers sysadmin user Open Source Community Leap Open distrowatch Linux Plasma GNOME kde linux