openSUSE Heroes December meeting - final results

25. Feb 2017 | Lars Vogdt | No License

While we had some fun and good food and drinks, we also managed to discuss a lot during the three days in the Nuremberg headquarter. This was needed because this was the first time that the Heroes came together in their current form. In the end, we managed to do no coding and even (nearly) no administration - but instead we started to discuss our (internal and external) policies and work flows - and did some decisions regarding the next steps and the future of the openSUSE infrastructure.

openSUSE Heroes meeting

So what are our results - and how does the prioritized action item list look like?

First of all: the complete meeting minutes can be found on our mailing list. The list items below are just a condensed subset containing the most important parts of the three days.

We identified the following list of tasks and assigned priorities and people behind it:

Priority Task Assignee
1 Setup FreeIPA darix
1 openVPN setup for NUE and PRV machine access by admins darix, tbro
2 Saltifying services cboltz, skriesch, tampakrap, CyReVolt, darix, tbro
2 openSUSE Cloud in Provo gschlotter, cmueller
3 Updating our documentation tampakrap, CyReVolt, lrupp
3 Progress clean up (Projects and Tickets tampakrap, lrupp
4 Provide a hardware wishlist cmueller, tbro
4 Setup external monitoring skriesch, lrupp
4 Mediawiki separation and upgrade cboltz, skriesch
5 CDN77 testing tampakrap, darix
5 handle tampakrap, lrupp
6 Hermes shut down tbro
6 migrate scanner-opensuse tampakrap, darix
6 handle paste.o.o and planet.o.o tampakrap

There are - for sure - a lot more “TODO’s” and “action items” on our list (just read the minutes to get an idea), but we think that we might see a big progress if we can finish the above list in a reasonable time. While we just started and can not provide much documentation or “junior jobs”, yet, we are always looking for people who want to join our team and want to help. In such a case: just get in contact with us!

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