Insights from the openSUSE Logo Contest
15. Dec 2023 | Douglas DeMaio | CC-BY-SA-3.0

The past few weeks have been an exciting time for the openSUSE Project as discussions about the visual identity of the project offers a glimpse into people’s various views about the project and its brand identity.
The recent conclusion of the openSUSE logos contest has sparked extensive discussions among both members actively engaged in the openSUSE Project and those participating in it.
Our logo contest has provided us with a wealth of creative input and diverse perspectives that lay a strong foundation for deliberations on the future direction for the project.
The contest provided a voice for the many who aren’t as vocal as some about selecting a new logo. While there were some who were vocal on various platforms, the contest gave openSUSE Project members an opportunity to gauge how the broader community perceives the project.
The submissions and voting outcomes offered a glimpse into the collective vision of open-source enthusiasts who may not be directly involved in the project but are crucial stakeholders nonetheless.
As efforts move forward with the outcome of this, inclusivity and community involvement remain at the core of the decision-making process.
During the community meeting this week where the results were discussed, participants expressed the view that members of the openSUSE Project have an opportunity to participate in the selection of our new logo, and that SUSE, which holds the trademark to the openSUSE logo, be involved with the process for selecting a branding decision with regard to the results. After all, this decision impacts the collective identity.
To facilitate this, there is a plan to organize a vote between the current logo and the proposed new design, allowing our community to have a say in this important decision. Furthermore, members of the project are collaborating with SUSE on the implications of the branding initiatives and some have expressed the desire for SUSE’s input to ensure there is an aligned vision for the future of openSUSE.
A two-step approach to spearhead the discussions and decision-making processes with key stakeholders is crucial in driving a plan of action forward and implementing any changes to our branding strategy.
Outlined below are the proposed steps that will guide the project through this journey:
Step 1:
- Evaluation of Contest Results (completed)
- Assessing the Path Forward (completed)
- Engaging with SUSE for Brand Consideration & Assessing Contributions
- Presentation of Branding Strategy
- Community Voting Engagement
- Organizing a voting process for openSUSE Project members to choose between the Old and New Logo
Step 2:
- Collaboration with Stakeholders
- Aligning Logo Ownership with SUSE
- Trademarking and Implementation
The aim is to ensure transparency, inclusivity, and alignment with the collective goals of the openSUSE Project throughout this process.
For a detailed review of the survey results from the logo contest, visit our Logo Contest page.
People interested in becoming a member of openSUSE should visit our wiki on How to become a member.
Thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm. A big thank you to all the people who submitted a design and those who voted. Winners of the contests have been contacted about winning and will be shipped a Geeko Mystery Box.
The winners of the openSUSE logo contest across various categories are as follows:
Categories: Announcements openSUSE
Tags: openSUSE Community Logos Competition MicroOS Aeon GNOME Kalpa KDE Plasma Slowroll Tumbleweed Rolling Release Leap Leap Micro