SUSE, the main sponsor of the openSUSE Project, is offering a discount on its eLearning platform for members looking to enhance their skills in SUSE technologies. The eLea...
Mentors and administrators of openSUSE are excited to be accepted as a mentorship organization for this year’s Google Summer of Code and will be available for potential men...
The openSUSE Project participated in this year’s Google Summer of Code along with several mentoring organizations. Six of the seven accepted projects were successfully com...
Members of the openSUSE community will have two retrospective meetings about the release of openSUSE Leap 15.2 after receiving feedback from the recent survey. The meeting...
The openSUSE release team is would like feedback from users, developers and stakeholders about the release of the of community-developed openSUSE Leap 15.2 through a survey...
The release of openSUSE Leap 15.2 continues to expand its use and is now available for Windows Subsystem for Linux in the Microsoft Store. Leap can be executed on top of W...
ISO 639-1 Languages - CA - CS - DE - FR - ID - IT - ES - JA - ZH-TW - PT NUREMBERG, Germany (02/07/2020) – The openSUSE release team is proud to announce the availability ...
Several packages were updated this week for openSUSE Tumbleweed as was expected after the holiday season. Five snapshots of the rolling release have been delivered so far t...
Published by Richard Brown on Jan 22, 2019 on The openSUSE Kubic team is proud to announce that as of yesterday, our Kubic distribution has become a C...
Dear Community, It has been more than a year since the openSUSE community started the Kubic Project, and it’s worth looking back over the last months and evaluating where ...
Embedded below is the blog of Google Summer of Code student Matheus de Sousa Bernardo. Matheus is assisting with improving API and workflow of Trollolo, which is a cli-too...
Recent years have seen tremendous growth in the container technologies market. From being a non-existent category just a few years ago to being one of the most interesting,...