Awareness Sessions About Projects Available for GSoC Applicants
22. Feb 2023 | Douglas DeMaio | CC-BY-SA-3.0

Mentors and administrators of openSUSE are excited to be accepted as a mentorship organization for this year’s Google Summer of Code and will be available for potential mentee to discuss the projects that are listed on
There will be 15 minute sessions prior to all openSUSE community meetings where mentees can join our Jitsi meeting room to get in touch with members of the openSUSE community who can help them navigate the projects available during this year’s GSoC.
Community meetings are every Tuesday and Thursday and the times vary. The Tuesday session for mentee applicants starts at 15:15 UTC and the Thursday session begins at 19:45 UTC. Meeting times begin at 15:30 UTC and 20:00 UTC respectively.
Potential mentee applicants can view a list of projects on and communicate directly with mentors leading the project through commenting on the GitHub issue listing the project of interest. Not all mentors are available during the time slotted for the awareness sessions, but those who are available will help the best they can with the information they have available about a project.
Sessions will be available from Feb. 23 - April 4. There are 15 projects listed this year. Some of the projects listed involve topics related to devops, artificial intelligence, security, cryptography, Kubernetes, containers and quality assurance. Many of the projects’ languages include Python, Rust, Perl, ReactJS, JavaScript, Ruby and more.