openSUSE.Asia Summit 2023 Call For Papers
20. Jun 2023 | openSUSE Asia Summit Chongqing Team | CC-BY-SA-3.0

openSUSE.Asia Summit 2023
Call For Papers
It is a pleasure to announce the call for papers for openSUSE.Asia summit 2023 starting today, the openSUSE.Asia Committee is looking for speakers from different avenues of life, representing and advocating Free and Open Source Software. openSUSE.Asia Summits are organized every year to promote the use of free and open source software and have been appreciated events for the openSUSE community (i.e. both contributors and users) in Asia. Following the last Asia Summit, the nineth openSUSE.Asia Summit 2023 will be held by openSUSE Chongqing team on Late October. The speakers are eligible to receive sponsorship from openSUSE Travel Support Program (TSP). Even if you live away from China, please consider applying for the event.
The past Asia Summits received major participation from Indonesia, China mainland, China Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, and India.
openSUSE.Asia Summit 2023 will invite talks relevant to openSUSE and other topics like Cloud, Virtualization, Container, Container Orchestration, Linux desktop environments and applications since openSUSE is a collection of various FLOSS products. The examples of the topics (not limited to) are as the following:
- openSUSE (including Leap, Tumbleweed, Open Build Services, openQA, YaST)
- openSUSE Kubic & MicroOS, Cloud, Virtualization, Container, and Container Orchestration
- Embedded and IoT
- Security (Access/Integrity control, Cryptography, Vulnerability management)
- Desktop environments and applications (e.g. GNOME, KDE, XFCE)
- Office suite, graphic art, multimedia (e.g. LibreOffice, Calligra, GIMP, Inkscape)
- Multilingualization support (e.g. input methods, translation)
- Other software running on openSUSE
Please note that non-technical talks are also welcome. For example:
- Explanations of FLOSS technologies
- Development, Quality Assurance, Translation
- Tips & Tricks, Experience stories (success or fail), Best practice
- Marketing and community management
- Computer Science
- Education
Types of sessions
We are inviting proposals for these 4 types of sessions.
- Workshop (120 min + Q&A)
- Long talks with presentation (60 min + Q&A)
- Short talks with/without presentation (30 min + Q&A)
- Lightning talk (15 min and less)
- The deadline of the call for proposals: August 20, 2023
- Notification to speakers: Week of August 28, 2023
- openSUSE.Asia Summit 2023: October 21 until October 23, 2023.
How to submit your proposal
Please submit your proposal to the event
- Your proposal must be written in English and 150–500 words long with an appropriate title.
- You need to use English or Chinese in speech and English only on slides.
- Please run spell and grammar checks for your proposal before submission. LibreOffice Language tools and Grammarly
- Your biography on your profile page is also a reviewed document. Please do not forget to write your background.
- You must obey openSUSE Conference code of Conduct. You will receive a forms link after successful submission of proposal for further information requirements.
Guide to write your proposal
Please ensure that your proposal is about and around a topic
For example, if your talk is on security or desktop application, a wholesome proposal will always start with steps to install the application first.
Please include the reasons as to why your proposal should be the one.
It may contain the following as a reason:
- Need of the application/ technology/ solution
- Future prospects of the proposed solution
- Learnings for the target audience (beginners, contributors)
Do not hesitate to contact the local team on social media or write to the committee if you are not sure about writing your proposal or preparing your presentation.
Contact Organising committee
For any enquiries regarding the programme, please contact:
We look forward to see you at openSUSE.Asia Summit 2023.
Categories: Announcements Coference Events Summit