Introducing the openSUSE 2020 End of Year Survey
19. Dec 2020 | Adrien Glauser | CC-BY-SA-3.0

This year has been tough. But times of difficulties and challenges are also opportunities to reflect on where we come from, as a thriving global open-source community, and where we’re heading.
As dust settles, we look back and remember all the good moments for openSUSE – as well as the more difficult ones – we’ve been through together. And there sure are reasons to rejoice:
- the fun and passionate “Meet the Candidates” gathering scheduled for today
- a first step into the future with the development kickoff of Leap 15.3
- significant improvements for openSUSE on the PinePhone
- the debut of a long term openSUSE - ARM journey
- the release of the Open Build Service Connector extension for Visual Studio Code
- the openSUSE + LibreOffice Conference, with plenty of excellent sessions
- the launch of “let’s improve the openSUSE learning experience” initiative
- amazing Hacktoberfest contributions
- the arrival of Leap 15.2 on Windows Subsystem for Linux … as well as countless improvements of the infrastructure (news-o-o, software-o-o) thanks to our terrific contributors, content writers, designers, developers and engineers.
The point of this post is not to pat ourselves on the back, however. As a community we cannot achieve excellence without humility. There are still plenty of things to improve regarding both the technology and the people it serves. We all have something to learn from each other, and from the community as a whole; it is in this spirit that we would like to invite you to the “2020 End of the Year survey”. The survey has almost 40 questions cherry-picked to better understand your story with openSUSE, the issues you faced and your expectations for the future. Your insights will be invaluable for all of us, especially to help the new Board orientate its actions.
We wish you a beautiful end of the year and look forward to reading you. The survey starts today on and runs until Jan. 2.